Basic CLI Commands and Options

The Oracle ILOM CLI supports the following basic commands and options.


The options that are enclosed in squared brackets ([]) are optional, those that are enclosed in angle brackets (<>) are keywords, and those that are separated by a pipe (|) indicate a choice of a keyword or option.
Command Command Options Description


[-default] < target >

Navigates the target namespace.

-default — Selects the initial default target.


< target > [< property >=< value >]

Creates a target and property values in the namespace (for example, to add a user and specify the user's role and password).


[-script] < target >

Removes an object from the namespace (for example, to delete a user account).

-script — Skips warnings and prompts normally associated with the command (assumes “yes” for prompts).


-destination < URI > [-force] [< target >]

Transfers a file from a target to a remote location specified by the URI (for example, a configuration or service snapshot).

-f|-force — Overrides internal checks and dumps the requested file.

-destination <URI> — Specifies the required destination path using the uniform resource identifier (URI) format.



Terminates a CLI session.


[-format wrap|nowrap] [-output terse|verbose]

Displays Help information for commands, targets, and target properties.

-format wrap|nowrap — Specifies the screen format for Help text.

-o|-output terse|verbose — Specifies the amount of Help text to b e displayed.


[-output verbose] [-force] [-script] -source < URI >

Transfers a file from an indicated source to an indicated target (for example, a configuration or firmware image).

-o|-output verbose — Specifies the amount of information text to be displayed.

-f|-force — Overrides internal checks and dumps the requested file.

-script — Skips warnings and prompts normally associated with the command (assumes “yes” for prompts).

-source <URI> — Specifies the required source path using the uniform resource identifier (URI) format.


  • For X86: [-script] < target >

  • For SPARC: [-script] [-force] < target >

Reset a target (for example, the power to a host server or to the service processor).

-f|-force — Specify the action will be performed immediately.

-script — Skips warnings and prompts normally associated with the command (assumes “yes” for prompts).


[< target >] < property >=< value > [< property >=< value >]

Sets target properties to the specified value.


[-display targets|properties|commands|all]|[-a] [-level 1|2|3...255|all] [-format wrap|nowrap] [-output table] [-t] [< target >] [< property > < property >]

Displays information about targets and properties.

-d|-display — Specifies the information to be displayed.

-a — Same as -display all.

-l|-level — Specifies the relative level in the target hierarchy to which the action will apply.

-format wrap|nowrap — Specifies screen format.

-o|-output table — Specifies to display the output in table format.

-t - Same as -level all -output table.


[-script] [-force] < target >

Starts the target (for example, the host system, or an Oracle ILOM internal shell).

-script — Skips warnings and prompts normally associated with the command (assumes “yes” for prompts).

-f|-force — Overrides internal checks and performs the action immediately.


[-script] [-force] < target >

Stops the target (for example, the host system).

-script — Skips warnings and prompts normally associated with the command (assumes ???yes' for prompts).

-f|-force — Overrides internal checks and performs the action immediately.



Displays the service processor firmware version.