Launch the Remote Console From the Actions Panel (Web)

Before You Begin

Review the graphical remote console first-time setup requirements:

  • For systems that shipped with Oracle ILOM 3.2.x, refer to Using the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide

  • For systems that shipped with Oracle ILOM 3.1 or 3.0, refer to Using the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console or Storage Redirection CLI in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide

A Remote Console Launch button appears in the Actions panel of the Oracle ILOM Summary page, which enables you to launch the graphical remote console feature. With the remote console, you can redirect the host system keyboard, video, mouse, and storage devices.

A text-based serial redirection feature is also available in Oracle ILOM. For more information about serial redirection, see Using Remote KVMS Consoles for Host Server Redirection in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide.

  1. To access the Actions panel in the web interface, click System Information > Summary.

    The Actions panel appears in the upper right corner of the Summary page.


    Alternatively, the remote console can be launched in the web interface by clicking the Launch Remote Console button on the Remote Control > Redirection page.

  2. Click the Remote Console Launch button.

    If the web browser 32-bit JDK plug-in was not configured for first-time-use, the “Opening jnlpgenerator.cli” dialog appears. Prior to clicking OK to proceed, review the browser JDK plug-in configuration options described in the Oracle ILOM Administrator's Guide for Configuration and Maintenance.

    The Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus window appears.


    If the system shipped with Oracle ILOM 3.1 or 3.0, the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console window appears.

    The remote console window displays the host server desktop in its present state. For example:

    • If the host server is powering-up, a set of boot messages appear.

    • If the host server operating system is powered-on, a desktop log in dialog appears.

    • If the host server is not powered-on, a blank screen appears.

Related Information

  • Using Remote KVMS Consoles for Host Server Redirection in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide

  • Optionally Set a Lock Mode to Secure the Host Server Desktop in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide