Management Connection Tasks and Applicable CLI Targets

Use the following table to help identify the applicable CLI namespace targets for Oracle ILOM management connection tasks.

The following table does not provide the full CLI path to the /SP target on all managed devices. For instance, to access the /SP target from a multi-domain SPARC server append the applicable CLI properties to the beginning of the /SP target:

  • SPARC multi-domain server, where applicable, append: /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n


Use the help command to view the namespace targets supported on a server SP. For example, help /SP/network.

For additional information about setting up a management connection to Oracle ILOM, see the topics listed in the Related Information section that appears after the table.

Management Connection Task CLI Properties on SP Required User Role

View or modify the network service state property on the server SP.


  • state
  • Admin (a)

View or modify the IPv4 network properties on the server SP.


  • ipdiscovery
  • ipaddress
  • ipnetmask
  • ipgateway
  • dhcp_clientid
  • Admin (a)

View or modify the IPv6 network properties on the server SP.


  • state
  • autoconfig=
  • autoconfig
  • static_ipaddress
  • Admin (a)

Test IPv4 and IPv6 network connectivity.

/SP/network/ test

  • ping
  • Operator (o)

View or modify the SP network management port property.


  • managementport

Note: Not all server SPs support the Netn property for enabling sideband management.

  • Admin (a)

View or modify the local interconnect access properties between the Oracle ILOM SP and host OS.

/SP/network/ interconnect

  • host_managed

    Note: Other interconnect properties can be configured if you choose to manually configure the connection between the SP and host OS.

    Use the help command to learn about the other interconnect properties.

  • Admin (a)

View or modify the Domain Name Service (DNS) resolution properties on the server SP.


  • auto_dns
  • nameserver
  • /retries
  • searchpath
  • timeout
  • Admin (a)

View or modify the serial management port property on the server SP.


  • external
  • host
  • portsharing

Note: The serial port properties vary from system to system. Use the help command to determine which serial port properties are supported. For example: help /SP/serial

  • Admin (a)