Back Panel Connector Locations

The following illustration shows and describes the locations of the back panel connectors. Use this information to set up the server, so that you can access diagnostic tools and manage the server during service.

The following figure shows the locations of the server back panel connectors and ports.

Figure of back panel connectors and ports.
Callout Description System/SMOD Available On


Net management port (NET MGT)

System B – SMOD1

Dual 4-socket systems only


Serial management port (SER MGT)

System B – SMOD1

Dual 4-socket systems only


USB 3.0 port

System B – SMOD1

Dual 4-socket systems only


  • NET0, NET1, NET2, and NET3 ports on dual 4-socket systems

  • NET0, NET1, NET2, and NET3 ports on single 8-socket systems

  • Unused ports on single 4-socket systems

System B – SMOD1

Dual 4-socket and single 8-socket systems


Net management port (NET MGT)

System A – SMOD0

All systems


Serial management port (SER MGT)

System A – SMOD0

All systems


USB 3.0 port

System A – SMOD0

All systems


NET0, NET1, NET2, and NET3 ports on all systems

System A – SMOD0

All systems


Power connectors 2 and 3

System A – SMOD0

Always connect all four power supplies. Connect to 200-240 VAC only.


Power connectors 0 and 1

System B –SMOD1

Always connect all four power supplies. Connect to 200-240 VAC only.