Installation Procedure Overview

The following table lists the tasks you need to complete to install Oracle Exadata Database Server X8-8.

Step Description Links


Review the product notes for any late-breaking information about the server.


  • Review the server site requirements, specifications, and components.

  • Familiarize yourself with electrostatic discharge (ESD) and safety precautions.

  • Assemble the required tools and equipment.


  • Review the server features.

  • Review server physical specifications.


Install the server into a rack.

Rackmounting the Server in Oracle Server X8-8 Installation Guide at Oracle Server X8-8 Documentation


  • Attach cables and power cords to the server.

  • Power on the server.

Connecting Cables and Applying Power in Oracle Server X8-8 Installation Guide at Oracle Server X8-8 Documentation


Troubleshoot installation issues.

Troubleshooting Installation Issues in Oracle Server X8-8 Installation Guide at Oracle Server X8-8 Documentation

Related Installation Documentation

  • Oracle Server X8-8 Safety and Compliance Guide
  • Important Safety Information for Oracle's Hardware Systems