Prepare the Server for Operation

Use this procedure to return the server to an operational state after performing cold service.

  1. Remove antistatic measures.
    • Remove any antistatic straps or conductors from the server chassis.

    • Remove the antistatic wrist strap from yourself.

  2. Ensure that all external front and back components are fully installed.

    For details, see Optional Component Installation in Oracle Server X8-8 Installation Guide

  3. Ensure that all cables are connected to the back of the server.
  4. Use the power cords to connect the power supplies AC inlets to two separate AC power sources.


    To ensure redundancy and allow the server to operate during single AC grid failure, server power should come from at least two separate AC sources or grids.

    1. Connect all AC power cables to their inlets on the back of the server and verify that they are locked.

      Attach four power cords to four AC inlets with cable clips (Back panel AC power block: AC 0 through AC 3). For line redundancy, apply AC source PDU1 (GRID1) to AC 0 and AC 2 and AC source PDU2 (GRID2) to AC 1 and AC 3. SMOD0 System A: AC 3, AC 2 (Top pair); SMOD1 System B: AC 1, AC 0 (bottom pair)

      The retaining clips lock the power cables and prevent accidental disconnect.

    2. If necessary, connect the other end of the AC power cables to the supply outlet.
    3. Ensure that the server is powering into Standby power mode.

      When the power cords are connected to the server AC inlets and power sources, the following actions occur (on SMOD0 for single 4-socket and single 8-socket systems, and on SMOD0 and SMOD1 on dual 4-socket systems):

      • The green AC OK power supply LEDs illuminate.

      • While the Oracle ILOM SP initializes, the green SP OK LED flashes rapidly.

      • After the Oracle ILOM SP fully initializes, the SP OK LED is steady on and the green System OK LED flashes slowly, indicating that the host is in Standby power mode.

    In Standby power mode, the server is not initialized or powered on.

  5. Verify that none of the server Fault-Service Required indicators on externally facing indicator panels are lit.


    After replacing some components, you must clear the fault in Oracle ILOM to clear fault indicators. For details, see Clear Hardware Fault Messages (Oracle ILOM).

  6. Power on the server.

    For details, see Power On the Server.