Prepare the Server for Warm Service (Oracle ILOM CLI)

This procedure describes how to prepare the server for warm service. Use warm service to remove and replace CMOD, DIMM, and processor components without accessing the server back panel to disconnect AC power cords or shutting down Oracle ILOM.

When Oracle ILOM detects that two fan modules in a single cooling zone (a vertical column) have been removed, the SP removes power from the CMODs, allowing you to service CMODs and their subcomponents without removing the power cords. Oracle ILOM remains available in warm service mode.

For more information about component serviceability, see Component Serviceability Requirements.


Loss of service or component damage. Do not replace any components except for CMODs and internal CMOD subcomponents while the server is in warm service mode.


Data Loss. Do not remove more than one fan module from a column while the system is in Main power mode. This action removes power from the CMODs and causes an immediate shutdown. On an eight-CMOD system, this applies to all fan modules. On a four-CMOD system, this applies to the fan modules in the left-hand fan frame.


This procedure is performed locally and requires physical access to the server front panel.

  1. Log in to the SP Oracle ILOM CLI.

    Log in as a user with root or administrator privileges. For example, open an SSH session, and at the command line type:

    ssh root@ ipaddress

    Where ipaddress is the IP address of the server SP.

    For more information, see Using Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) in Oracle Server X8-8 Installation Guide.

    The Oracle ILOM CLI prompt appears: ->

  2. Power off the server gracefully to Standby power mode.

    At the prompt, type the following command:

    -> stop /System

  3. To turn on the Locate Button/LED indicator, type the following command.

    -> set /System/ locator_indicator=on


    To turn off the Locator indicator, type: set /System/ locator_indicator=off.

  4. Once at the service location, press the Locate Button/LED button to deactivate the indicator.

    For more information, see Control the Locate Button/LED Locally.

  5. Set up an ESD-safe space at the service location.

    Set up a space where you can place components. See Electrostatic Discharge and Static Prevention Measures.

  6. Perform warm-service removal and installation procedures on components.