Modify SP Network Settings (Oracle Hardware Management Pack)

Use this procedure to modify the default Oracle ILOM network settings.

  1. Access the operating system command line with root privileges.
  2. To modify IPv4 network settings, type the ilomconfig modify network command:

    ilomconfig modify network --ipdiscovery=static|dhcp [--ipaddress=ipaddress] [--netmask=netmask] [--gateway=gateway] [--state=enabled|disabled] [--mgmtport=port]

  3. To modify IPv6 network settings, type the ilomconfig modify network-ipv6 command:

    ilomconfig modify network-ipv6 [--autoconfig=disabled|stateless dhcpv6_stateful|dhcpv6_stateless] [--static-ipaddress=ipv6address] [--state=enabled|disabled]

    For details, refer to Configuring Oracle ILOM (ilomconfig), Oracle Hardware Management Pack Server CLI Tools User's Guide at Systems Management Documentation.