Navigate BIOS Setup Utility Menus

  1. In the BIOS Setup Utility, press the left and right arrow keys to select the menu options.

    As you select a menu option, the top-level menu for that menu option appears.

  2. To navigate options in a top-level menu, press the up and down arrow keys.

    Options that you can modify appear highlighted in the menu. User instructions for a selected menu option appear on the upper right side of the screen.

  3. Modify an option by pressing the + or - (plus or minus) keys, or by pressing Enter and selecting the option from the menu.

    The navigation keys appear on the lower right side of the BIOS screen.

  4. Press the Esc key to return from a sub-menu to the previous menu.

    Pressing Esc from a top-level menu is equivalent to selecting the Discard Changes and Exit option in the Save Menu.

  5. Modify parameters, as needed.
  6. Press the F10 key to save your changes and exit the BIOS Setup Utility.

    Alternatively, you can select the Save menu, and select Save Changes and Exit to save your changes and exit the BIOS Setup Utility.


    After modifying any BIOS settings, the subsequent reboot might take longer than a typical reboot where you did not change any settings. The delay occurs because the changes to the BIOS settings are synchronized with Oracle ILOM.