Network Stack Configuration

Network Stack Option Description

Network Stack

Enables (default) the UEFI network stack and prevents users from performing single-user network boots and network installations. If disabled, the host does not use the network interface.

IPv4 PXE Support

Enables (default) IPv4 PXE Boot support. If disabled, the IPv4 PXE Boot Option is not supported.

IPv4 HTTP Support

Enables IPv4 HTTP Boot support. If disabled (default), the IPv4 HTTP Boot Option is not supported.

IPv6 PXE Support

Enables IPv6 PXE Boot support. If disabled (default), the IPv6 PXE Boot Option is not supported.

IPv6 HTTP Support

Enables IPv6 HTTP Boot support. If disabled (default), the IPv6 HTTP Boot Option is not supported.

PXE Boot Wait Time

Specifies the wait time to press the ESC key to abort the PXE boot. Default is 0.

Media Detect Count

Specifies the number of times the presence of physical storage devices are verified on a system reset or power cycle. Default is 1.