The image shows two OCI Regions, Region 1 is the Primary and Region 2 is the Standby.

A DNS and URL ( reside outside of Region 1 and have two-way communication with each other, and information flows from the URL to the load balancer in Region 1.

Region 1 has a VCN, a Load Balancer, and a DRG. The following are located inside the VCN: Oracle Autonomous Database, Region 1 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage (domain copy), and Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - and The following are located in the wlsociprefix_domain: Admin Server 1 (wlsociprefix_adminserver), Managed Server1 (wlsociprefix_server_1) and Managed Server 2 (wlsociprefix_server_2). MDS/JMS/TLOGS flow out of Managed Server 1 and Managed Server 2 to Oracle Autonomous Database.

Region 2 is a duplicate of Region 1. It has a VCN, a Load Balancer, and a DRG. The Primary DRG is linked to the Standby DRG. The following are located inside the VCN: Oracle Autonomous Database Standby, Region 2 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage (domain copy), and Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - and The following are located in the wlsociprefix_domain: Admin Server 1 (wlsociprefix_adminserver), Managed Server1 (wlsociprefix_server_1) and Managed Server 2 (wlsociprefix_server_2). MDS/JMS/TLOGS data flows out of Managed Server 1 and Managed Server 2 to the Oracle Autonomous Database.

Data flows from the Oracle Autonomous Database in Region 1 through Oracle Autonomous Data Guard to the Oracle Autonomous Database in Region 2.

Data flows from the Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI in Region 1 through local sync to the Region 1 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage (domain copy), then sync to Region 2 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage (domain copy).

Content flows from the VCN in Region 1 through the Remote Refreshable Clone to the Remote Refreshable Clone Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless in Region 2 when using a refreshable clone instead of a snapshot. Content flows from Managed Server 1 and Managed Server 2 in Region 2 to the Remote Refreshable Clone Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless in Region 2.