Prepare the Sample Application

After you download the SDK for iOS Applications from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, you can set up your iOS development environment.

Load the SDK for iOS Applications in the Sample Mobile Application

You can access the Downloads page from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console. From this page, you can download the SDK for iOS Applications.

  1. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, expand the Navigation Drawer, click Settings, and then click Downloads. The list of files to download appears.
  2. Click Download for the SDK for iOS Applications, and save the zip file on your local computer.
  3. Open the SDK for iOS Applications zip file and extract it to a temporary folder.

    The SDK for iOS Applications zip file contains the framework version ( and the library version ( of the SDK. The sample application uses the framework version. You can choose to use the library version in your iOS application instead. Make sure to load it properly.

  4. In the temporary folder, open the file, locate the IDMMobileSDKv2.framework folder.
  5. Copy the IDMMobileSDKv2.framework folder into the IDCSSample/ folder, under the sample application folder.

    The source code structure of the sample iOS application must be similar to the one below. The names of the SDK zip file, as well as the framework and library zip files may vary.


Set up the Development Environment with the Sample Application

You need a MacOS based operation system with Xcode 9.2 or later installed. The sample application does not depend on any external library other than Oracle Identity Cloud Service SDK for iOS Applications.

You use Xcode to edit and run the sample application project.

  1. Download and install Xcode from the App store or the Apple developer website.
  2. Launch Xcode from your /Applications directory.