Learn About Connecting an Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase Cube to Source Data

When you migrate your on-premises Oracle Essbase cube to the cloud, application and database artifacts are also migrated. However, connectivity to the existing source data is not established. Reconnect your Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase cube to your source data to keep the dimensions and data current.

Before You Begin

Before you connect your cube to the source data, learn about the advantages of using Oracle Essbase in the cloud and understand how to migrate an on-premises Oracle Essbase cube to the cloud.

Ensure that you have the rules file in Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase. You'll use your existing rules file to reconnect your migrated cube to its source data.


This architecture shows how you can connect your Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase cube to source data such as flat files, Oracle Database Cloud Service, and/or an on-premises Oracle Database.

How you define the connectivity is determined by where your data resides:
  • If you're reconnecting your Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase cube from an on-premises database, then you'll use the CLI Tool to securely stream your data or member metadata from your on-premises database to the cube.
  • If you're loading data or member metadata from flat files, then you'll use the CLI tool to upload your files to the cloud.
  • If you're reconnecting Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase cube from database in the cloud, then you'll use Datasources to directly connect your data to the cube.

Description of connect-oracle-analytics-cloud-essbase-cube-source-data.png follows
Description of the illustration connect-oracle-analytics-cloud-essbase-cube-source-data.png

The architecture diagram illustrates the following options to upload data:
  • A - Flat file containing data is uploaded to Essbase by using the CLI Tool.
  • B - On-premises relational database is connected to Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase to stream data.
  • C - Oracle Database Cloud Service instance is directly connected to Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase to load data.

About Required Services and Roles

You'll need access to the services and products:

  • Oracle Essbase
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Oracle Identity Cloud Service
  • Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase
  • Oracle Database Cloud Service - If you are making a connection with a database in the cloud.
  • Oracle Database - If you are making a connection with an on-premises database.

These are the roles needed for each service:

Service Name: Role Required to...
Oracle Essbase: Application Manager Role Create and modify applications
Oracle Database: Database User Query the tables to connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase
Analytics: Service Administrator Modify applications

Oracle Identity Cloud Service is available with your Oracle Analytics Cloud account.

See Learn how to get Oracle Cloud services for Oracle Solutions to get the cloud services you need.