The image shows how Data Safe connects to databases in Microsoft Azure over Oracle Database Service for Azure (ODSA. User groups on the Internet access both an OCI region and a Microsoft Azure instance.

The OCI region comprises a tenancy, a Data Safe Service virtual cloud network (VCN), a private endpoint VCN and an Exadata infrastructure. The tenancy contains an auditing service, on-premises connectors, and database targets and the Exadata infrastructure contains an Exadata Cloud Service instance and a Data Safe connector.

The Microsoft Azure instance contains Azure applications and services. These include:
  • Azure App Servers
  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Azure Virtual Machine

Traffic flows from the Azure applications and services through the multicloud network links Azue ExpressRoute abd OCI FastConnect to the Exadata Cloud Service in the OCI region. Traffic also flows beween the OCI region's Data Safe Service VCN and the Exadata Cloud Service via a TLS tunnel and a Data Safe Connector and to the Exadata Cloud Service from the private endpoint IP.