The image shows the Exadata Database Dedicated user interface page for an Exadata Database | Pluggable database named pdb01. The left navigation has Overview, Tags, and Resources (Infrastructure, VM cluster, and Database home). Overview is selected. The right pane has two sections: Essentials and Connection strings.

The Connection strings appear below the Essentials. In this example, the table contains two the following under the TNS name column heading: pdblpDefault and pdbDefault. The right side of the table has three dots for each row. The image shows the curser clicked on the three dots for the pdbDefault TNS to display a Copy Connection String button.

The top of the page shows the Essentials for the pdb01 database. At the top are buttons to Start, Stop, Clone, Refresh, and Delete. The Essentials page shows the Resource group (exabasedbtest-rg-01), Status (Succeeded), Location (East US), Subscription, Subscription ID, Tags (Edit - click to add tags), OCI resource (PDB01), Database name (PDB01), Open mode (Read/Write), Container database (cdb01), and Container database status (Succeeded).