The image shows the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager (CM) Tenancy (or Root Compartment) using the secure landing zone on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with compartments, management groups and other resources in the Root compartment, like Policies, Events, and Cloud Guard. You can also create an optional enclosing compartment to contain the Landing Zone compartments: Network, Security, and the EBS Top-Level Application Compartment which hosts the EBS Cloud Manager, and application compartments.

A member of the Tenancy Administrators group must run the initial deployment of the IAM stack. After initial deployment, IAM Administrators can manage the IAM stack including compartments, groups, and policies.

The Management Groups include various user groups including IAM and Credentials administrators, Security administrators, Security users, Network users, Network administrators, EBS CM admins, and EBS environment admins for each category of environment such as Production, Test, or QA.

The Tenancy includes a Network compartment, Security compartment, and an E-Business Suite (EBS) Top-Level Application Compartment.

Tenancy admins must run the initial setup. The IAM Stack creates the management groups and must be deployed into all the compartments to apply the policies to each compartment including Root. After initial deployment, IAM administrators can manage the IAM stack including compartments, groups, and policies.