The image shows an OCI region comprising three availability domains (AD), Availability Domain 1, Availability Domain 2, and Availability Domain 3. Access to the region is controlled by Cloud Guard. These ADs are spanned by a virtual cloud network (VCN), within which are three regional subnets, one public and two private. Access to the VCN is through an internet gateway. Access to the subnets is controlled by a routing table and security list.

The public regionl subnet contains a bastion host in AD1 and a public load balancer in AD 2,

One regional subnet contains an MFT cluster that spans all ADs. This cluster is arrrayed as follows: Within the subnet but external to any ofhte ADs is a file storage service.

The other private subnet contains an autonomous ATP database in AD2.

Traffic flows between the public load balancer and the MFT cluster and between the MFT cluster and the autonomous ATP database.