This image shows the architecture for a disaster recovery strategy based on RackWare Management Module. The resources in this architecture are distributed across two regions. The virtual cloud networks in the two regions are connected remotely through DRGs..

Within each region is a single VCN, which connects to the cloud over an Internet Gateway. Additionally, NAT gateways on each VCN allow private resources in the VCNs to access hosts on the internet, without exposing those resources to incoming internet connections.

The Primary Region VCN contains:
  • Two public subnets, one for a Bastion Host, the other for a Load Balancer.
  • Two private subnets, one for an application server and one for a primary database. Each private subnet shares a route table and a security list with the VCN.
The Standby Region VCN contains:
  • Two public subnets, one for a Bastion Host, the other for a Load Balancer.
  • Two private subnets, one for an application server and one for a standby database. In the application server subnet, the application server is disabled and the RMM server is active. Each private subnet shares a route table and a security list with the VCN.