The image shows the underlying architecure for using Synthetic Monitoring in OCI APM Service to proactively detect application issues. It comprises two separate OCI regions, one containing the APM component, consisting of an APM domain, the other containing a virtual cloud network (VCN) and an OCI stream.

Within the VCN is an Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) cluster/Dedicated Vantage Point. This cluster/vantage point component contains a private subnet alond with a client service, an application, and an optional APM Tracer/Agent. The subnet contains two OKE pods, each pod containing synthetic agents labeled Synthetic Agent 1 and Synthetic Agent 2. Synthetic Agent 1 directs data over HTTP/S protocol out of the OKE pod to the client service while Synthetic Agent 2 directs traffic over HTTP/S protocol out of the OKE pod to the application instance. The private subnet also contains an APM Synthetic Deployment Manager.

Data flow in this architecture is depicted by letter-labeled arrows between components: