The image shows how the E-Business Suite Asserter, Oracle E-Business Suite, and OCI IAM interact.

The user requests access to an Oracle E-Business Suite protected resource. The request reaches OCI Load Balancer and based on the availability of the backend servers, it forwards the requests to the appropriate Oracle E-Business Suite server.There are two EBS Asserter servers.

Oracle E-Business Suite redirects the user browser to the E-Business Suite Asserter application, which is directed through the OCI Load Balancer. There are two E-Business Suite Asserter applications.

The OCI Load Balancer, based on the configuration and availability of the backend E-Business Suite Asserter servers, forwards the request to the appropriate E-Business Suite Asserter server. OCI Load Balancer generates a cookie and attaches it to the request to maintain session stickiness. The OCI IAM Asserter uses an OCI IAM SDK to generate the authorization URL and then redirects the browser to OCI IAM.