Add Entities for Monitoring

To monitor various entities, such as databases, you need to first add them to Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring. Add entities to your service to make Cloud agents aware of the entities.

When adding an entity from the Oracle Management Cloudconsole, the entity-specific properties are submitted as a discovery job.

Wait five minutes after a Cloud agent installation to allow time for the agent configuration information to become available in the user interface.

  1. From the Management Cloud console navigation pane, click Administration, then click Discovery, and then click Add Entity.
    The Add Entity page is displayed.
  2. Select the Entity Type.
    Property and monitoring credential fields specific to the selected entity type are displayed.
  3. Complete the required fields for your entity type.
    The default Job Name is the entity type and timestamp.
  4. (Optional) Add tags to define additional relationships between entities.
    Tags help you to search and group the entities in Oracle Management Cloud. For example, you may want to use the same tag for all entities that are physically in the same location, or entities that are part of the same custom logical group. The Tag all members option applies to composite entities and allows you to specify the same tag to all members discovered under this entity
  5. Click Add Entity.
View the status of the job in the in the Add Entity page.