Configure Alarms and Notifications

Configure alarms and notifications to monitor resources in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy.

Configure Notification Topics and Subscriptions

Configure publishing messages for topics and subscriptions with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications service.

Subscriptions using protocols that require confirmation, such as Email, remain in "Pending" status until confirmation is received.

  1. Under Application Integration, click Developer Services.
  2. Click Notifications.
  3. Select the compartment and click Create Topic.
  4. Enter a Name and Description.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click the topic in the Name column.
  7. Click Create Subscription.
  8. Select an option from the Protocol dropdown:
    • Email
    • Function
    • HTTPS (Custom URL)
    • PagerDuty
    • Slack
    • SMS (for Monitoring and Service Connector Hub)
  9. Click Create.

Configure a Threshold Alarm for a Compute Instance

Configure a threshold alarm to detect compute instances operating at non-optimal thresholds by checking the metric values outside of a defined range.

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, click Alarm Definitions.
  2. Click Create Alarm.
  3. On the Create Alarm page, under Define alarm, fill in or update the alarm settings:
    • Alarm name: Non-Optimal Alarm
    • Alarm severity: Warning
    • Alarm body: Non-optimal utilization detected. An application or process may be consuming more CPU than usual.
    • Metric description:
      • Compartment: (select the compartment)
      • Metric namespace: oci_computeagent
      • Metric name: CpuUtilization
      • Interval: 1m


        Valid alarm intervals depend on the frequency at which the metric is emitted. For example, a metric emitted every five minutes requires a 5-minute alarm interval or higher. Most metrics are emitted every minute, which means most metrics support any alarm interval.
      • Statistic: Count
    • Trigger rule:
      • operator: between
      • Value: 60
      • Value: 80
      • Trigger delay minutes: 10
  4. Set up an email notification under Set alarm notifications, Destination:
    • Destination service: Notifications
    • Compartment: (select your compartment)
    • Topic: Click Create new topic
      • Topic name: Operations Team
      • Topic description: Resource Monitoring Channel
      • Subscription protocol: Email
      • Subscription email: (type an email address for the operations team here)
      • Message format: Send formatted messages
    An email notification will be sent whenever the trigger rule is resolved.
  5. Repeat notifications every day:
    • Repeat notification?: (select this option)
    • Notification frequency: 24 hours
  6. Click Save alarm.

Configure an Alarm for VNIC Metrics

Configure an alarm for egress security list drop metrics in VNICs. In a normal situation, there shouldn't be any egress security list drops.

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, click Alarm Definitions.
  2. Click Create Alarm.
  3. On the Create Alarm page, under Define alarm, fill in or update the alarm settings:
    • Alarm name: VCN Packet Drop
    • Alarm severity: Warning
    • Alarm body: Detect egress security list drop metrics in VNICs.
    • Metric description:
      • Compartment: (select the compartment)
      • Metric namespace: oci_vcn
      • Metric name: VnicEgressDropsSecurityList
      • Interval: 1m


        Valid alarm intervals depend on the frequency at which the metric is emitted. For example, a metric emitted every five minutes requires a 5-minute alarm interval or higher. Most metrics are emitted every minute, which means most metrics support any alarm interval.
      • Statistic: Count
    • Trigger rule:
      • operator: greater than
      • Value: 0
      • Trigger delay minutes: 10
  4. Set up an email notification under Set alarm notifications, Destination:
    • Destination service: Notifications
    • Compartment: (select your compartment)
    • Topic: Click Create new topic
      • Topic name: Operations Team
      • Topic description: Resource Monitoring Channel
      • Subscription protocol: Email
      • Subscription email: (type an email address for the operations team here)
      • Message format: Send formatted messages
    An email notification will be sent whenever the trigger rule is resolved.
  5. Repeat notifications every day:
    • Repeat notification?: (select this option)
    • Notification frequency: 24 hours
  6. Click Save alarm.

Configure an Alarm for Load Balancer Metrics

Configure an alarm to detect unhealthy backend set in the load balancer to troubleshoot them in a timely fashion.

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, click Alarm Definitions.
  2. Click Create Alarm.
  3. On the Create Alarm page, under Define alarm, fill in or update the alarm settings:
    • Alarm name: LoadBalancer_Backend
    • Alarm severity: Critical
    • Alarm body: Unhealthy backend detected.
    • Metric description:
      • Compartment: (select the compartment)
      • Metric namespace: oci_lbaas
      • Metric name: UnHealthyBackendServers
      • Interval: 1m


        Valid alarm intervals depend on the frequency at which the metric is emitted. For example, a metric emitted every five minutes requires a 5-minute alarm interval or higher. Most metrics are emitted every minute, which means most metrics support any alarm interval.
      • Statistic: Count
    • Trigger rule:
      • operator: greater than
      • Value: 0
      • Trigger delay minutes: 10
  4. Set up an email notification under Set alarm notifications, Destination:
    • Destination service: Notifications
    • Compartment: (select your compartment)
    • Topic: Click Create new topic
      • Topic name: Operations Team
      • Topic description: Resource Monitoring Channel
      • Subscription protocol: Email
      • Subscription email: (type an email address for the operations team here)
      • Message format: Send formatted messages
    An email notification will be sent whenever the trigger rule is resolved.
  5. Repeat notifications every day:
    • Repeat notification?: (select this option)
    • Notification frequency: 24 hours
  6. Click Save alarm.