The image shows a collection of enterprise/company data sources, a set of front end applications, and an OCI regions. The enterprise/company data sources are: The front end applications are: The OCI region contains these services:
In this diagram, the process flow is is indicated by numeric callouts and and proceeds thusly:
  1. Corporate or company users through front end applications ask queries or questions about company data, such as polices, HR, sales, purchase history, financial reports, issues, and so on.
  2. Oracle Integration's Generate service receives the query data and invokes its local integration's Augment service to get the context for that query.
  3. Oracle Integration's Augment service, once invoked, calls OCI Generative AI's Embedding service to get the vector embeddings of the query data.
  4. Oracle's Augment service gets the context stored in theOracle Autonomous Database 23ai, based on the semantic search of the query data vector embeddings. Retrieved context is sent back as a response to the Generate service.
  5. The Generate service, with the received context and query, invokes the OCI Generative AI Generation service to generate the appropriate response.
  6. Finally, the Generate service replies with the generated response to the user.