Learn About Deploying FastConnect with Megaport Cloud Router

Learn how you can connect OCI Government Cloud and OCI commercial regions using a partner connection.

Set Up a Virtual Cloud Network

Set up a virtual cloud network (VCN) in OCI Government Cloud and OCI commercial regions. You can create VCNs using the OCI Console or the OCI command line interface (CLI).

  1. Log in to the OCI Console and navigate to the commercial region where you want to create a VCN.
  2. Click on the Create VCN button and follow the on-screen instructions to configure the VCN. Make sure to specify a unique CIDR block for the VCN and create at least one subnet.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create a VCN in the government region.

Create a FastConnect Connection

You can use FastConnect to create a dedicated, private connection between your on-premises data center and OCI.

Once the VCNs are set up, create a FastConnect connection in OCI Government Cloud and OCI commercial regions.
  1. Once an order connection from an Oracle partner (for example, Megaport, Equinix, Lumen) has been confirmed, proceed to set up a dynamic routing gateway (DRG) and attach it to the VCN. See Explore More.
  2. Log in to the OCI Console and navigate to Networking, then FastConnect.
  3. Click on the Create FastConnect button and select FastConnect Partner. You will need to specify a Partner (Megaport in this case).
  4. Enter values for:
    • Name
    • Compartment
    • Private (will require DRG)/Public circuit
    • Provision Bandwidth
    • BGP IPs that will be the interface of the Megaport Cloud Router (for example,


      The BGP IPs should not overlap with VCN IPs Customer BGP ASN (for example, 65000 and “Create”)
  5. Repeat these steps to create a FastConnect connection in the government region.


    Make sure the BGP IPs do not overlap (for example,

Set Up Megaport Cloud Router

You can use Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) to connect your VCN to multiple FastConnect locations.

Once the FastConnect connections have been set up, set up MCR. MCR is a virtual router that provides routing between your VCN and your FastConnect connection.
  1. Log in to the Megaport Portal and navigate to the MCR section.
  2. Select MCR location and proceed to configure:
    • Rate Limit
    • Term
    • ASN (65000 from above)
  3. Click Next.
  4. Review Summary “Add MCR” and on the splash page “Order”.
  5. Repeat these steps to create an MCR and configure it to connect to your VCN in the government region.

Create a Virtual Cross-Connect

You can use virtual cross-connects (VXCs) to connect VCNs in different regions.

Once the MCR is set up, create a VXC. The VXC is a secure, private connection between your OCI Government Cloud and OCI commercial regions.
  1. Log in to the Megaport Portal and select the previously ordered MCR and select Connection.
  2. Select OCI and in the following page copy and paste the OCI Virtual Circuit ID, which you should be able to obtain from the FC connection from the FC setup process (for example, OCID: ocid1.virtualcircuit.oc1.iad.abcdefgh).
  3. Select the available Oracle Ports.
  4. Proceed to Connection Details page.
  5. Enter values for: Name and Rate Limit.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter values for MCR connection details to provide interface IP Address (Customer BGP IPv4 Address from above [for example,]).
  8. Click Add BGP connection.
  9. Enter values for: Local and Peer IPs, Peer ASN (31898 for commercial regions and 6142 for government), and a BGP password which is the MD5 Auth Key from FC (if set up).
  10. Click Add, Order, and Confirm.
    This completes the setup of a VXC for OCI commercial.
  11. Repeat these steps to set up a VXC for OCI Government Cloud. To do so from the existing display in the console, click the +Connection, then Cloud, then Oracle Cloud.
  12. Confirm that the light levels are good for each of your physical network connections to the partner, and that your side of the interfaces for the connections to the partner are up.
    You should be able to test connections between OCI Government Cloud and OCI commercial regions after this.