Configure for Disaster Recovery

You can use the procedures and scripts provided with this solution playbook to create an etcd snapshot in a primary Kubernetes cluster and restore it in another (secondary) Kubernetes cluster or in the source cluster itself. It's important to plan the configuration and understand the requirements before downloading and using the scripts to configure your snapshot.


This solution assumes that both Kubernetes clusters, including the control plane and worker nodes, already exist.

Plan the Configuration

Plan the resources and configuration on the secondary system based on the primary system.


This solution assumes that both Kubernetes clusters, including the control plane and worker nodes, already exist. The recommendations and utilities provided in this playbook do not check resources, control plane, or worker node capacity and configuration.

Restore, as described here, can be applied in clusters that “mirror” primary (same number of control plane nodes, same number of worker nodes). The procedures assume that a primary Kubernetes cluster created with kubeadm exists. Host names in the secondary system are configured to mimic primary, as described in the next paragraphs. Then, the secondary cluster is created also with kubeadm (again only AFTER the required host name resolution is taken care of).

Complete the following requirements for Restore when planning your configuration:

  1. Confirm that the required worker nodes and resources in the primary are available in secondary.
    This includes shared storage mounts, load balancers, and databases used by the pods and systems used in the namespaces that will be restored.
  2. Configure your host name resolution so that the host names used by the control and worker plane are valid in secondary.

    For example, if your primary site resolves the cluster similar to the following:

    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ kubectl get nodes -A
    NAME      STATUS   ROLES           AGE      VERSION
    olk8-m1   Ready    control-plane   552d     v1.25.12
    olk8-m2   Ready    control-plane   552d     v1.25.12
    olk8-m3   Ready    control-plane   2y213d   v1.25.12
    olk8-w1   Ready    <none>          2y213d   v1.25.12
    olk8-w2   Ready    <none>          2y213d   v1.25.12
    olk8-w3   Ready    <none>          2y213d   v1.25.12
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ nslookup olk8-m1
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Then, your secondary site must use the same node names. In the previous example node in the control plane, the host name in region 2 will be the same mapped to a different IP.
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ nslookup olk8-m1
    Non-authoritative answer:
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$
    The resulting configuration in secondary (after using kubeadm to create the cluster and adding the worker nodes) will use the exact same node names, even if internal IPs and other values defer.
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ kubectl get nodes -A
    NAME      STATUS   ROLES           AGE      VERSION
    olk8-m1   Ready    control-plane   552d     v1.25.11
    olk8-m2   Ready    control-plane   552d     v1.25.11
    olk8-m3   Ready    control-plane   2y213d   v1.25.11
    olk8-w1   Ready    <none>          2y213d   v1.25.11
    olk8-w2   Ready    <none>          2y213d   v1.25.11
    olk8-w3   Ready    <none>          2y213d   v1.25.11
  3. Use a similar “host name aliasing” for the kube-api front end address.


    Your primary kubernetes cluster should NOT use IPs for the front-end kube-api. You must use a host name so that this front-end can be aliased in the secondary system. See the script for an example on how to add a host name alias to your existing primary kube-api system.

    For example, if the primary’s kube-api address resolution is as follows:
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$  grep server .kube/config
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$  grep /etc/hosts k8lbr
    Then, the secondary’s kube-api should use the same host name (you can map it to a different IP):
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ grep server .kube/config
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ grep /etc/hosts k8lbr
    You can achieve this by using virtual hosts, local /etc/hosts resolution, or a different DNS servers in each location. To determine the host name resolution method used by a particular host, search for the value of the hosts parameter in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file on the host.
    • If you want to resolve host names locally on the host, then make the files entry the first entry for the hosts parameter. When files is the first entry for the hosts parameter, entries in the host /etc/hosts file are used first to resolve host names.

      Specifying the Use of Local Host Name Resolution in /etc/nsswitch.conf file:

      hosts: files dns nis
    • If you want to resolve host names by using DNS on the host, then make the dns entry the first entry for the hosts parameter. When dns is the first entry for the hosts parameter, DNS server entries are used first to resolve host names.

      Specifying the Use of DNS Host Name Resolution /etc/nsswitch.conf file:

      hosts: dns files nis

    For simplicity and consistency, Oracle recommends that all the hosts within a site (production site or standby site) use the same host name resolution method (resolving host names locally or resolving host names using separate DNS servers or a global DNS server).

    The “host name aliasing” technique has been used for many years in Disaster Protection for Middleware systems. You can find details and examples in Oracle’s documentation, including the Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery Guide and other documents pertaining to Oracle Cloud Disaster Protection, such as Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Disaster Recovery and SOA Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace Disaster Recovery.

  4. Create the secondary cluster using the same host name for the front end kube-api load balancer as in primary.
    Perform this step after your host name resolution is ready. See the Kubernetes kubeadm tool documentation. Use the same kubeadm and Kubernetes versions as in primary. Container runtimes may defer, but you should use the same versions of Kubernetes infrastructure in both regions.
    For example, if the primary cluster was created with the following:
    kubeadm init --control-plane-endpoint $LBR_HN:$LBR_PORT --pod-network-cidr= --node-name $mnode1 --upload-certs  --v=9

    Then, use the exact same $LBR_HN:$LBR_PORT and CIDR values in secondary as in primary. The same applies if you use other cluster creation tools, such as kOps and kubesparay.

  5. When adding additional control plane or worker nodes, ensure that you use the same node names in primary and secondary.
    kubeadm join $LBR_HN:$LBR_PORT --token $token --node-name $host --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash $token_ca  --control-plane --certificate-key $cp_ca
  6. Once the secondary cluster is configured, the same host names should appear when retrieving the node information from kubernetes.

    The $host variables used in secondary for each control plane and worker nodes must be the same as those used in primary.

    Primary Cluster

    Run the following command on primary to confirm the control plane and worker node status, role, age, version, internal IP, external IP, OS image, kernel version, and container runtime:
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
    The following is example output.
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
    olk8-m1 Ready control-plane 578d v1.25.12 <none> Oracle Linux Server 7.9 4.14.35-1902.302.2.el7uek.x86_64 cri-o://1.26.1
    olk8-m2 Ready control-plane 578d v1.25.12 <none> Oracle Linux Server 7.9 5.4.17-2136.301.1.3.el7uek.x86_64 cri-o://1.26.1
    olk8-m3 Ready control-plane 2y238d v1.25.12 <none> Oracle Linux Server 7.9 4.14.35-2047.527.2.el7uek.x86_64 cri-o://1.26.1
    olk8-w1 Ready <none> 2y238d v1.25.12 <none> Oracle Linux Server 7.9 4.14.35-1902.302.2.el7uek.x86_64 cri-o://1.26.1
    olk8-w2 Ready <none> 2y238d v1.25.12 <none> Oracle Linux Server 7.9 4.14.35-1902.302.2.el7uek.x86_64 cri-o://1.26.1
    olk8-w3 Ready <none> 2y238d v1.25.12 <none> Oracle Linux Server 7.9 4.14.35-1902.302.2.el7uek.x86_64 cri-o://1.26.1
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$
    Run the following command on primary to identify where the Kubernetes control plane and the Core DNS are running.
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ kubectl cluster-info

    Secondary Cluster

    Run the following command on secondary to confirm the control plane and worker node status, role, age, version, internal IP, external IP, OS image, kernel version, and container runtime:
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ kubectl get node -o wide
    The following is example output.
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ kubectl get node -o wide
    NAME      STATUS   ROLES           AGE      VERSION    INTERNAL-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE                  KERNEL-VERSION                     CONTAINER-RUNTIME
    olk8-m1   Ready    control-plane   579d     v1.25.11   <none>        Oracle Linux Server 8.7   5.15.0-   containerd://1.6.21
    olk8-m2   Ready    control-plane   579d     v1.25.11   <none>        Oracle Linux Server 8.7   5.15.0-   containerd://1.6.21
    olk8-m3   Ready    control-plane   2y239d   v1.25.11   <none>        Oracle Linux Server 8.7   5.15.0-   containerd://1.6.21
    olk8-w1   Ready    <none>          2y239d   v1.25.11   <none>        Oracle Linux Server 8.7   5.15.0-   containerd://1.6.22
    olk8-w2   Ready    <none>          2y239d   v1.25.11   <none>        Oracle Linux Server 8.7   5.15.0-   containerd://1.6.22
    olk8-w3   Ready    <none>          2y239d   v1.25.11   <none>        Oracle Linux Server 8.7   5.15.0-   containerd://1.6.22
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ kubectl cluster-info
    Kubernetes control plane is running at
    CoreDNS is running at
    To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$
    Run the following command on secondary to identify where the Kubernetes control plane and the Core DNS are running.
    [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ kubectl cluster-info

    With the default settings in kubeadm cluster creation, etcd will use the same ports in primary and secondary. If the cluster in secondary needs to use different ports, then you must modify the scripts to handle it. You can use different storage locations in primary and secondary for the etcds database. The scripts will take care of restoring in the appropriate location that the secondary cluster is using for etcd.

  7. Install etcdctl both in the primary and secondary locations (nodes executing the backup and restore scripts).
    The scripts for backup and restore will use etcdctl to obtain information from the cluster and to create and apply etcd snapshots. To install etcdctl see the documentation.
  8. Ensure that the appropriate firewall and security rules are in place so that the node executing the backup and restore operations are enabled for this type of access.
    The scripts will also need to access the cluster with kubectl and reach out the different nodes through SSH and HTTP (for shell commands and etcdctl operations).


Configure for disaster recovery.

The steps for a restore involve the following:

  1. Take an etcd backup in a primary location.
  2. Ship the backup to the secondary location.
  3. Restore that etcd backup in a secondary cluster.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Create an etcd backup in a primary Kubernetes cluster.
    1. Download ALL the of the scripts for etcd snapshot DR from the "Download Code" section of this document.


      All of the scripts must be in the same path because the main scripts use other auxiliary scripts.
    2. Obtain the advert_port from a control plane node etcd configuration.
      [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ sudo grep etcd.advertise-client-urls /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml | awk -F ":" '{print $NF}'
      And the same for the init_port:
      [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$  sudo grep initial-advertise-peer-urls  /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml  | awk -F ":" '{print $NF}'

      These ports are the default ones and are used by all of the control plane’s etcd pods. In the rare situations where etcd has been customized to use a different init and advertise port in each node, you must customize the scripts to consider those. You can also customize the value for the infra_pod_list if other network plugins are used or other relevant pods or deployments must be restarted after restore in your particular case. However, in general, it can be defaulted to the values provided in the file.

    3. Edit the maak8s.env script and update the variables according to your environment.
      The following is an example maak8s.env file:
      [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ cat maak8s.env
      #sudo ready user to ssh into the control plane nodes
      export user=opc
      #ssh key for the ssh
      export ssh_key=/home/opc/KeyMAA.ppk
      #etcdctl executable's location
      export etcdctlhome=/scratch/etcdctl/
      #etcd advertise port
      export advert_port=2379
      #etcd init cluster port
      export init_port=2380
      #infrastructure pods that will be restarted  on restore
      export infra_pod_list="flannel proxy controller scheduler"
    4. Run the script and provide as arguments the following fields in this order:
      • The directory where the backup will be stored
      • A “LABEL/TEXT” describing the backup
      • The location of the cluster configuration to run kubectl operations
      For example:
      [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$  ./  /backup-volumes/ "ETCD Snapshot after first configuration " /home/opc/.kubenew/config

    The script performs the following tasks:

    • Creates an etcd snapshot from the etcd master node
    • Creates a copy of the current configuration of each control plane node (manifests and certs for each control plane node), including the signing keys for the cluster
    • Records the list of nodes, pods, services, and cluster configuration
    • Stores all the information above in a directory labeled with the date. If the directory specified in the command line argument is /backup-volume, then the backup is stored under /backup-volume/etcd_snapshot_date of the backup. For example, /backup-volume/etcd_snapshot_2022-08-29_15-56-59.
  2. Copy the entire directory (/backup-volume/etcd_snapshot_date) to the secondary cluster.
    1. Use an sftp tool or create a tar with the directory and send it to the secondary location.
    2. Untar or unzip the file to make it available in the secondary system, as it was in primary.
    3. Make a note of the date label in the backup (in the example above it would be 2022-08-29_15-56-59).
    For example,
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ scp -i KeyMAA.ppk -qr /backup-volume/etcd_snapshot_2022-08-29_15-56-59
    [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ ssh -i KeyMAA.ppk "ls -lart /restore-volume"
    total 4
    drwxrwxrwt. 6 root root  252 Aug 30 15:11 ..
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 opc  opc    47 Aug 30 15:12 .
    drwxrwxr-x. 5 opc  opc  4096 Aug 30 15:12 etcd_snapshot_2022-08-29_15-56-59
  3. Once the backup is available in the secondary location, follow these steps to restore it:
    1. Download ALL the scripts for etcd snapshot DR from the "Download Code" section to the secondary region node that will run the restore.
      Remember that this node must also have etcdctl installed and kubectl access to the secondary cluster.


      Because the main scripts use other auxiliary scripts, you must have all scripts in the same path when executing the different steps.
    2. Edit the maak8s.env script and update the variables according to your environment.
      You can alter the user, ssh key and etcdctl location, accordingly to your secondary nodes, but the advert and init ports should be the same as those that are used in primary.
      The following is an example maak8s.env file:
      [opc@olk8-m1 ~]$ cat maak8s.env
      #sudo ready user to ssh into the control plane nodes
      export user=opc
      #ssh key for the ssh
      export ssh_key=/home/opc/KeyMAA.ppk
      #etcdctl executable's location
      export etcdctlhome=/scratch/etcdctl/
      #etcd advertise port
      export advert_port=2379
      #etcd init cluster port
      export init_port=2380
      #infrastructure pods that will be restarted  on restore
      export infra_pod_list="flannel proxy controller scheduler"
    3. Run the restore using the script. Provide, as arguments, the root directory where the backup was copied from primary to standby, the timestamp of the backup, and the location of the kubectl configuration for the cluster.
      For example,
      [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$ ./ /restore-volume 2022-08-29_15-56-59 /home/opc/.kube/config

      The script looks in the /restore-volume directory for a subdirectory named etcd_snapshot_date. Using the example, it will use /restore-volume/etcd_snapshot_2022-08-29_15-56-59.

      The restore performs the following tasks:
      • Force stops the control plane in secondary, if it is running
      • Restores the etcd snapshot in all of the control plane nodes
      • Replaces the cluster signing keys in all of the control plane nodes
      • Starts the control plane
      • Recycles all infrastructure pods (proxy, scheduler, controllers) and deployments in the cluster (to bring it to a consistent state)

      At the end of the restore, a report displays the status of the pods and etcd subsystem. For example,

      NAMESPACE      NAME                                         READY   STATUS              RESTARTS       AGE
      default        dnsutils                                     1/1     Running             0              27d
      default        nginx-deployment-566ff9bd67-6rl7f            1/1     Running             0              19s
      default        nginx-deployment-566ff9bd67-hnx69            1/1     Running             0              17s
      default        nginx-deployment-566ff9bd67-hvrwq            1/1     Running             0              15s
      default        test-pd                                      1/1     Running             0              26d
      kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-4f2fz                        1/1     Running             3 (22d ago)    35d
      kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-cvqzh                        1/1     Running             3 (22d ago)    35d
      kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-dmbhp                        1/1     Running             3 (22d ago)    35d
      kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-skhz2                        1/1     Running             3 (22d ago)    35d
      kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-zgkkp                        1/1     Running             4 (22d ago)    35d
      kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-zpbn7                        1/1     Running             3 (22d ago)    35d
      kube-system    coredns-8f994fbf8-6ghs4                      0/1     ContainerCreating   0              15s
      kube-system    coredns-8f994fbf8-d79h8                      1/1     Running             0              19s
      kube-system    coredns-8f994fbf8-wcknd                      1/1     Running             0              12s
      kube-system    coredns-8f994fbf8-zh8w4                      1/1     Running             0              19s
      kube-system    etcd-olk8-m1                                 1/1     Running             22 (89s ago)   44s
      kube-system    etcd-olk8-m2                                 1/1     Running             59 (88s ago)   44s
      kube-system    etcd-olk8-m3                                 1/1     Running             18 (88s ago)   26s
      kube-system    kube-apiserver-olk8-m1                       1/1     Running             26 (89s ago)   44s
      kube-system    kube-apiserver-olk8-m2                       1/1     Running             60 (88s ago)   42s
      kube-system    kube-apiserver-olk8-m3                       1/1     Running             18 (88s ago)   27s
      kube-system    kube-controller-manager-olk8-m1              1/1     Running             19 (89s ago)   10s
      kube-system    kube-controller-manager-olk8-m2              1/1     Running             18 (88s ago)   10s
      kube-system    kube-controller-manager-olk8-m3              1/1     Running             18 (88s ago)   10s
      kube-system    kube-flannel-ds-62dcq                        1/1     Running             0              19s
      kube-system    kube-flannel-ds-bh5w7                        1/1     Running             0              19s
      kube-system    kube-flannel-ds-cc2rk                        1/1     Running             0              19s
      kube-system    kube-flannel-ds-p8kdk                        1/1     Running             0              19s
      kube-system    kube-flannel-ds-vj8r8                        1/1     Running             0              18s
      kube-system    kube-flannel-ds-wz2kv                        1/1     Running             0              18s
      kube-system    kube-proxy-28d98                             1/1     Running             0              14s
      kube-system    kube-proxy-2gb99                             1/1     Running             0              15s
      kube-system    kube-proxy-4dfjd                             1/1     Running             0              14s
      kube-system    kube-proxy-72l5q                             1/1     Running             0              14s
      kube-system    kube-proxy-s8zbs                             1/1     Running             0              14s
      kube-system    kube-proxy-tmqnm                             1/1     Running             0              14s
      kube-system    kube-scheduler-olk8-m1                       0/1     Pending             0              5s
      kube-system    kube-scheduler-olk8-m2                       1/1     Running             18 (88s ago)   5s
      kube-system    kube-scheduler-olk8-m3                       1/1     Running             18 (88s ago)   5s
      newopns        weblogic-operator-5d74f56886-mtjp6           0/1     Terminating         0              26d
      newopns        weblogic-operator-webhook-768d9f6f79-tdt8b   0/1     Terminating         0              26d
      soans          soaedgdomain-adminserver                     0/1     Running             0              22d
      soans          soaedgdomain-soa-server1                     0/1     Running             0              22d
      soans          soaedgdomain-soa-server2                     0/1     Running             0              22d
      | olk8-m1:2379 | 63c63522f0be24a6 |   3.5.6 |  146 MB |      true |      false |         2 |       1195 |               1195 |        |
      | olk8-m2:2379 | 697d3746d6f10842 |   3.5.6 |  146 MB |     false |      false |         2 |       1195 |               1195 |        |
      | olk8-m3:2379 |  7a23c67093a3029 |   3.5.6 |  146 MB |     false |      false |         2 |       1195 |               1195 |        |
      |        ID        | STATUS  |  NAME   |      PEER ADDRS      |       CLIENT ADDRS        | IS LEARNER |
      |  7a23c67093a3029 | started | olk8-m3 | https://olk8-m3:2380 | |      false |
      | 63c63522f0be24a6 | started | olk8-m1 | https://olk8-m1:2380 | |      false |
      | 697d3746d6f10842 | started | olk8-m2 | https://olk8-m2:2380 | |      false |
      Restore completed at 2023-08-30_15-18-22
      [opc@k8dramsnewbastion ~]$


After running the script, verify that all of your artifacts which existed in the primary cluster have been replicated to the secondary cluster. Look at the secondary cluster and verify that the pods in the secondary site are running without error.
  1. Check the status of the secondary until the required pods match the state in primary.
    By default, the pods and deployments are started in the secondary region. At the end of the restore, the status of the secondary cluster is shown. Some pods might take additional time to reach RUNNING state.
  2. Check the restore log in the secondary for possible errors.
    The log location is reported at the beginning of the restore. By default the log is created under the directory where the backup itself was located, at /backup_dir/etcd_snapshot_backup-date/restore_attempted_restore-date/restore.log. Another log is created specifically for the etcd snapshot restore operation /backup_dir/etcd_snapshot_backup-date/restore_attempted_restore-date/etcd_op.log.
  3. (Optional) Revert back.

    In addition to the restore logs, a backup of the previous /etc/kubernetes configuration is created for each one of the control planes nodes under the /backup_dir/etcd_snapshot_backup-date/restore_attempted_restore-date/current_etc_kubernetes directory. Similarly, the etcd databases in each node BEFORE the restore are copied to /backup_dir/etcd_snapshot_backup-date/restore_attempted_restore-date/node_name. You can use these to revert back to the cluster configuration that existed before the restore was executed.