The image shows the four key design pillars. The first three are shown stacked vertically in the following order:

  1. The Cloud Core Services section in the middle consists of the OCI components: Network, Compute, Storage, Security & Compliance, Performance & Cost Optimization, Reliability & Resilience, and Operational Efficiency.
  2. The Cloud Network Access section below Cloud Core Services includes a VPN and internet access with a dedicated connection to the core services.
  3. The Cloud Operations section above the Cloud Core Services includes tools for Orchestration & Automation (IaC) and Visibility & Manageability.
  4. Cloud Security & Governance on the right is available with all the four pillars with Data Control, Secure Access, Compliance, and Identity Federation.

The Data Canter Branch, SD-WAN MPLS, IoT Devices 5G, and Cloud Direct Connection Edge Points are depicted below the Cloud Network Access section.