About the Volume Data Migration Process

The migration process involves the following steps:

  1. Define the Admit policy in the old tenancy.
  2. Define the Endorse policy in the new tenancy.
  3. Configure the CLI profile.
  4. Clone or restore the volume.
The following diagram shows the architecture for migrating volumes from the old tenancy to the new tenancy.

Description of deploy-oci-tenancies-arch.png follows
Description of the illustration deploy-oci-tenancies-arch.png


Define the Admit Policy in the Old Tenancy

OCI Admit policies allow users of another tenancy to run operations across tenancies. The policies described below should be defined in the old tenancy and give permissions to clone or restore volumes from the old tenancy to an identity group NewTenancyIdentityGroup in the new tenancy.

Both Clone and Restore operations create new volumes, so the policy Admits only create operations. After the policies are defined along with the Endorse policies (described below), the users of NewTenancyIdentityGroup in the new tenancy will have permissions to clone or restore the volumes from the old tenancy to the new tenancy.

Admit Policy for Cloning

To allow cloning, use the OCI console or the CLI to create the following Identity policy in the old tenancy. You can further restrict these policies to admit access to the volumes in a compartment, by replacing in tenancy with in compartment compartment name.

Define tenancy NewTenancy as ocid1.tenancy.oc1..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Define group NewTenancyIdentityGroup as ocid1.group.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Admit group NewTenancyIdentityGroup of tenancy NewTenancy to use volumes in tenancy where ANY { request.operation='CreateVolume', request.operation='GetVolume', request.operation='CreateBootVolume', request.operation='GetBootVolume' }

Admit Policy for Restoring

To allow restores, create the following Identity policy in the old tenancy by using the OCI console or the CLI. You can further restrict these policies to admit access to the volumes in a compartment, by replacing in tenancy with in compartment compartment name.

Define tenancy NewTenancy as ocid1.tenancy.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Define group NewTenancyIdentityGroup as ocid1.group.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Admit group NewTenancyIdentityGroup of tenancy NewTenancy to read boot-volume-backups in tenancy
Admit group NewTenancyIdentityGroup of tenancy NewTenancy to read volume-backups in tenancy 
Admit group NewTenancyIdentityGroup of tenancy NewTenancy to inspect volumes in tenancy

Define the Endorse Policy in the New Tenancy

OCI Endorse policies endorse users of a tenancy to run operations across tenancies. The following policies should be defined in the new tenancy and gives permissions to an identity group NewTenancyIdentityGroup of the new tenancy to clone or restore volumes from the old tenancy. Cloning and restores create a new volumes, so the policy endorses create operations

Endorse Policy for Cloning

To allow cloning, create the following Identity policy in the new tenancy by using either the OCI console or the CLI.

Define tenancy OldTenancy as ocid1.tenancy.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Endorse group NewTenancyIdentityGroup to use volumes in tenancy OldTenancy where ANY { request.operation = 'CreateVolume', request.operation='GetVolume', request.operation='CreateBootVolume', request.operation='GetBootVolume' }

Endorse Policy for Restoring

To allow restores, create the following Identity policy in the new tenancy by using either the OCI console or the CLI.

Define tenancy OldTenancy as ocid1.tenancy.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Endorse group NewTenancyIdentityGroup to read boot-volume-backups in tenancy OldTenancy
Endorse group NewTenancyIdentityGroup to read volume-backups in tenancy OldTenancy
Endorse group NewTenancyIdentityGroup to inspect volumes in tenancy OldTenancy

Configure the CLI Profile

Create a CLI profile cross_tenancy_user_profile for the user of NewTenancyIdentityGroup. In the following example,this user is used to run the cross-tenancy operations. See complete instructions for configuring the CLI profile in "Configuring the CLI", which you can access from the "Explore More" topic elsewhere in this playbook.

Clone or Restore the Volume

Finally, to complete the volume migration, you can either clone or restore it.

Clone Volume Across Tenancies

Now that the policies are configured on both old and new tenancies, clone volumes from the old tenancy to the new tenancy by running the following commands from the configured CLI profile. Choose the compartment to which you want to clone the volumes and pass it as the --compartment-id argument, as shown here:

# Clone Volume
$ oci bv volume create --profile=cross_tenancy_user_profile --region=us-ashburn-1 --source-volume-id=ocid1.volume.oc1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --compartment-id=ocid1.compartment.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Clone Boot Volume
$ oci bv boot-volume create --profile=cross_tenancy_user_profile --region=us-ashburn-1 --source-boot-volume-id=ocid1.bootvolume.oc1.iad. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --compartment-id=ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Restore Volume Across Tenancies

Now that the policies are configured on both old and new tenancies, restore volumes from the old tenancy to the new tenancy by running the following commands. Choose the compartment and AD where you want the volumes to be restored to and pass it as the --compartment-id and --availability-domain arguments, as shown here:

# Restore Volume
$ oci bv volume create --profile=cross_tenancy_user_profile --region=us-ashburn-1 ---volume-backup-id=ocid1.volumebackup.oc1.iad. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --compartment-id=ocid1.compartment.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --availability-domain=XXXX:US-ASHBURN-AD-1
# Restore Boot Volume
$ oci bv boot-volume create --profile=cross_tenancy_user_profile --region=us-ashburn-1 --boot-volume-backup-id=ocid1.bootvolumebackup.oc1.iad. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --compartment-id=ocid1.compartment.oc1.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --availability-domain=pjBI:US-ASHBURN-AD-1