Set Up the Connection in the Local Machine

Set up a connection to the IBM Db2 database in the local machine.

Download and Install Oracle SQL Developer

Download and install Oracle SQL Developer version 8.3 or later onto the source SQL server host Windows system.

  1. Go to SQL Developer Downloads and download the Oracle SQL Developer zip file onto the host Windows system.
    If you're a Windows user on 64-bit platform, download the Windows 64-bit with JDK 8 included distribution. It includes the files necessary to run SQL Developer and connect to your Autonomous Database.
  2. Unzip the file to install SQL Developer.

Connect SQL Developer to the Autonomous Database

As an admin user, create a SQL Developer Connection to the Oracle Autonomous Database provisioned earlier and save the connection.

  1. Open SQL Developer on your local computer. In the Connections panel, right-click Connections and select New Connection.
    Don't right-click Database Schema Service Connections. That menu selection is for connecting to a different Oracle cloud service, the Oracle Database Schema Service.
    The New/Select Database Connection page appears.
  2. Complete the following information in the New/Select Database Connection page:
    1. Connection Name: Enter the name for this cloud connection.
    2. Username: Enter the database username.
    3. Password : Enter the password for the database user.
    4. Connection Type: Select Cloud Wallet.
    5. Configuration File: Click Browse, then select the path to your local copy of the Client Credentials zip file.
      The Client Credentials zip file is the file that was downloaded earlier from the Autonomous Database Console.
    6. Service: In the drop-down menu, service selections are prepended with database names. Select the tpurgent, tp, high, medium, or low menu item for your database. These service levels map to the TPURGENT, TP, HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW consumer groups, which provide different levels of priority for your session.
  3. Click Test.
    Status: Success displays at the bottom left of the New/Select Database Connection dialog.
  4. Click Connect.
    An entry for the new connection appears under Connections.

Download and Install the JDBC Driver on the Local Database

Using a JDBC driver to connect the IBM Db2 database from Oracle SQL Developer makes the migration easier.

  1. Go to the Open Source Development Network.
  2. Download the third-party JDBC driver jar file (db2jcc.jar) to your local computer.
  3. Add the db2jcc.jar file to the /Preferences/Database/Third Party JDBC Drivers directory in Oracle SQL Developer.
  4. In Oracle SQL Developer, click the Add Connection icon to create a connection to the IBM Db2 database.
  5. Select an IBM Db2 database from the list of available databases.
    The New / Select Database Connection page appears.
  6. Select DB2 for the Database Type, and complete the connection details.
Once connected, you can see the database tables.