Prepare for Migration

Before migrating, provision an Oracle Autonomous Database instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure according to size requirements of the source MS SQL Server database, then install and configure Oracle SQL Developer.

Provision an Autonomous Database on Your Cloud Instance

Provision an Oracle Autonomous Database instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure according to size requirements of the source MS SQL Server database.

Perform the following prerequisite steps as necessary:

  • Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • From the left navigation menu click Oracle Database and then, depending on your workload click Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, or Autonomous Transaction Processing. This example uses Autonomous Data Warehouse.
  • Choose your region.

  • Choose your Compartment.

  1. Click Create Autonomous Database.
  2. Provide basic information for the Autonomous Database.
    • Choose a compartment.

    • Display name: Specify a user-friendly description or other information that helps you easily identify the resource. The display name does not have to be unique.


      You cannot change the display name after you create an Autonomous Database.
    • Database name: Specify the database name; it must consist of letters and numbers only. The maximum length is 14 characters. The same database name cannot be used for multiple Autonomous Databases in the same tenancy in the same region.

  3. Choose a workload type. To create Autonomous Data Warehouse instance, select Data Warehouse from the choices.
  4. Choose a deployment type.

    Select Shared Infrastructure to create your instance on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.

  5. Configure the database.
    • Always Free: Select to show Always Free configuration options.

    • Choose database version: Select the database version. The available database version is 19c.

      With Always Free selected, the available database versions are: 19c and 21c.

    • OCPU Count: Specify the number of CPU cores for your database.

    • Storage (TB): Specify the storage you wish to make available to your database, in terabytes.

    • Auto Scaling: By default auto scaling is enabled to allow the system to automatically use up to three times more CPU and IO resources to meet workload demand. If you do not want to use auto scaling then deselect this option to disable auto scaling.

  6. Create administrator credentials. Set the password for the Autonomous Data Warehouse Admin user.
    • Username: This is a read only field.

    • Password: Set the password for the Autonomous Data Warehouse Admin user.

    • Confirm password: Enter the same password again to confirm your new password.

  7. Choose network access.
    • Allow secure access from everywhere: By default all secure connections are allowed from everywhere. To restrict access configure an access control list (ACL). To add an ACL for the Autonomous Database, select Configure access control rules.

    • Virtual cloud network: This option assigns a private endpoint, private IP and hostname, to your database inside your VCN. Specify this option if you want your database to be accessible only within your VCN using a private endpoint; this option allows you to restrict access to an Autonomous Data Warehouse database.

  8. Choose a license type
    • Bring Your Own License

      My organization already owns Oracle Database software licenses. Bring my existing database software licenses to the database cloud service.

    • License Included

      Subscribe to new database software licenses and the database cloud service.

  9. (Optional) Provide up to 10 maintenance contacts.

    Click Add Contact and in the Contact Email field, enter a valid email address. To enter multiple Contact Email addresses, repeat the process to add up to 10 customer contact emails.

    (Optional) Click Show Advanced Options to select from the advanced options:

    • Encryption Key

      Encryption using Oracle-managed keys: By default Autonomous Database uses Oracle-managed encryption keys. Using Oracle-managed keys, Autonomous Database creates and manages the encryption keys that protect your data and Oracle handles rotation of the TDE master key.

      Encrypt using customer-managed keys: If you select customer-managed keys, a master encryption key in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault is used to generate the TDE master key on Autonomous Database.

    • Tags: If you want to use Tags, enter the TAG KEY and VALUE. Tagging is a metadata system that allows you to organize and track resources within your tenancy. Tags are composed of keys and values which can be attached to resources.

  10. Click Create Autonomous Database.

On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console the Lifecycle State shows Provisioning until the new database is available.

Install Oracle SQL Developer

Download and install Oracle SQL Developer onto the source SQL Server host and connect it to the target autonomous database.

  1. Download Oracle SQL Developer onto the Source SQL Server host windows system. See SQL Developer Downloads.
  2. Unzip the file to install SQL Developer.
  3. Create a SQL Developer Connection to the Oracle Autonomous Database provisioned earlier as an admin user and save the connection. See Connecting SQL Developer to Autonomous Transaction Processing. The example connection used in this document is named admin_adb, and will be used to create the migration repository user later in the process.
  4. Download and configure JDBC Drivers to connect SQL Developer to MS SQL Server database. See JDBC Java Database Connectivity.
  5. Download and unzip the file onto Windows host system into your working directory (for example, wkdir).
  6. Download and install Oracle Instant Client for Microsoft Windows for command-line execution. See Oracle Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64) 64-bit.
  7. (Optional) For very large SQL server databases, it is recommended to provision Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage as NFS storage to stage all of the SQL server data export files. Typically, set wkdir to the NFS mount.