This image illustrates the five-stage process required to migrate an image by using OCI's BYOI feature. It comprises five numbered, text-filled boxes along a horizontal axis, each box representing a stage of the migration process.

  • The first box reads "(Stage 1) - Prepare/Create Image - Prepare the source VM Image on-premises after referring to the Linux/Windows Source Image requirements in the OCI documentation"
  • The second box reads "(Stage 2) - Convert Image (Optional) - If the exported image format is anything other than QCOW2 or VMDK, then convery the image to one of those formats using Oracle VirtualBox or other tool"
  • The third box (3) reads "(Stage 3) - Export Image to OCI Object Storage - Create an OCI Object Storage bucket in the tenancy and upload the image to that bucket"
  • The fourth box reads "(Stage 4) - Import Image - Import the image under the Custom Images section under Instances by referring to the bucket or Pre-Authenticated Request URL to the image"
  • The fifth box reads "(Stage 5) - Create Instances - Create instances using this custom image"