Manage Your Implementation

Managing your implementation to ensure an optimal experience includes troubleshooting issues and following recommended best practices.

Troubleshoot Issues

After migration, you might need to troubleshoot certain issues you could encounter. Here are some common issues and proven solutions:

Logging in by using database credentials fails in Siebel Management Console.

You are unable to edit the etc\hosts file

Siebel Server is not getting removed from SMC

Instance not booting up with the custom image.

Follow Best Practices

For an optimal migration experience, you should follow these best practices when implementing this procedure.

  • Before commencing the migration, gather all the details about the on-premises deployment like the user credentials, Siebel binaries’ path, custom components, parameters, etc.
  • Identify all areas that require new hostname changes, like Symbolic URL Administration, Webservice endpoints, List of Values, Email Response Groups, Communication Drivers and Profiles, and so on.
  • Avoid file write issues by launching the Siebel update wizard with administrator privileges.
  • Although you disable User Access Control when you begin this process, re-enable it when you finish.
  • Recreate ODBC data sources by using the new Oracle database client that you previously created by using the old version.
  • Avoid removing the Siebel Services, Siebel Gateway, and Tomcat services by using the system command line. This technique doesn’t remove the corresponding entries from the properties files. Instead, log in to SMC and gracefully remove all deployed profiles one by one.
  • Ensure to review the PostInstallDBSetup logs to ensure that the repository and database level changes were applied correctly and without any errors.
  • While migrating a multi-server environment, ensure that all the servers can communicate with each other via the relevant ports. Create Network Security Groups (NSG) or enable the ports at the subnet level.
  • Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage Service for Siebel File System.
  • You only need to undeploy and redeploy the profiles in SMC when the hostnames changes.