Configure Object Storage for Your Tenancy

Create and configure a bucket in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage as the target for the data migration. The bucket is temporary storage for the database dumps.

Install the OCI Command-Line Interface on the Source Database

Install the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) command-line interface (CLI) on the source database, then configure the Oracle Cloud parameters and generate an RSA key pair.

  1. Log into the source database with Secure Shell (SSH).
  2. Use the following command to install the CLI, then press Enter:
    bash -c "$(curl -L
  3. Restart your shell.
    exec -l $SHELL
  4. Configure the CLI with the command oci setup config and set the configuration values when prompted.
    oci setup config
    Perform the following at the configuration prompts:
    • Location of the config: Press the Enter key.
    • user_ocid: Enter your user OCID
    • tenancy_ocid: Enter your tenancy OCID
    • region: Enter your region from the list provided.
    • Generate a RSA key pair: Press the Enter key for Yes (default)
    • Directory for keys: Press the Enter key for the default
    • Name for the key: Press the Enter key for the default
    • Passphrase: Press the Enter key for no passphrase
    The output should look similar to the following:
    Private key written to: /home/oracle/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
    Fingerprint: 21:d4:f1:a0:55:a5:c2:ce:e2:c6:88:4f:bf:2f:f3:af
    Config written to /home/oracle/.oci/config
  5. Run the following command to get the public key content, then copy the full output to a clipboard.
    You'll need to upload the public key to your user account in OCI later.
    cat /home/oracle/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem

Upload the Public Key to Your OCI Account

After you generate an API signing key, upload the public key to your user account in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

  1. Log into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. From the services menu, select Identity, and then select Users.
  3. On the Users page, click the appropriate user.
  4. On the user details page, click Add Public Key.
  5. Paste the public key value in the PUBLIC KEY field.
    This is the public key that you copied from the ~/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem file.
  6. Click Add.
    The key is uploaded, and its fingerprint is displayed.

    You can verify that the Fingerprint generated matches the fingerprint output of the config.

  7. Copy the fingerprint. You need it later.
  8. Test your CLI by running the following command to display your tenancy name.
    oci os ns get

    This command should output the namespace of your tenancy (usually the name of the tenancy)

        "data": "your-tenancy-namespace"

Create a Bucket in Object Storage

Buckets are used to store and organize data. The bucket that you create will be the container for the data that's backed up to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, under Core Infrastructure, click Object Storage.
  2. Select the compartment from the Compartments list on the left side of the page.
    The compartment is where you deployed the resources.
  3. Click Create Bucket.
  4. Name the bucket.
    The system generates a default bucket name that reflects the current year, month, day, and time, for example bucket-20210210-1359. When changing the default to any other bucket name, use letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and periods. Avoid entering confidential information. For example, name the bucket atp-upload.
  5. Use the default values for the bucket attributes.
    For example, select the Standard Storage Tier. Standard is the primary, default storage tier used for storing data that requires fast and immediate access.
  6. Click Create Bucket.