This image illustrates the high-level architecture of a VMware HCX running with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution implementation.

The image comprises two parallel boxes, one labeled On-Premises DC and the other Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. Between these boxes are bi-directional connectors, which will be described below. At the top of each box is an icon labeled vCenter. The vCenter icon in the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution box is further labeled vSphere 6.5.x and vSphere 6.7.x. These icons are linked by a two-headed arrow, indicating a bi-directional relationship.

A second box is nested within in each box, below the vCenter logo. Arrayed in each box, top to bottom, are four icons, labeled, in descending order: The embeeded boxes are linked by two-headed, dotted-line arrows, indicating a bi-directional relationship between the elements. These arrows are labeled, top to bottom: The HCX Interconnect arrow is overlayed by the image of a pipeline.

At the bottom of the array of arrows is a fourth two-headed, dotted-line arrow which passes through five icons, each labeled VM. Above this portion of the image is an arrow labeled vMotion, pointing to the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution box. Below the VM icons is the same arrow, that points to the same Oracle Cloud VMware Solution box.

Finally, at the bottom of, but within the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution box are three side-by-side icons labeled vSphere, NSX, and Virtual SAN, all connected by a dotted line.