The image shows an OCI Region containing a Data Lakehouse, OCI Analytics, GoldenGate On-Premises, OCI Data Integration, and OCI Streaming.

Change Data Capture - RDBMS, No SQL Databases, Streaming Sources is connected to GoldenGate On-Premises, Batch Sources - RDBMS, File Transfers, REST APIs is connected to OCI Data Integration, and Streaming Sources - Mobile Apps, IoT Devices, Website Click Streams is connected to OCI Streaming. GoldenGate On-Premises, OCI Data Integration, and OCI Streaming are connected to Big Data Service.

The Data Lakehouse contains Big Data Service - Landing Zone, Raw Zone, Curated Zone, connected to Autonomous Data Warehouse, Data Catalog, and OCI Object Storage. Autonomous Data Warehouse is connected to Data Catalog.

OCI Analytics contains Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Oracle Analytics Cloud. Big Data Service is connected to Machine Learning, and Oracle Analytics Cloud. Big Data Service is connected to Artificial Intelligence via Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Machine Learning is used by Data Scientists. Artificial Intelligence is used by Applications and Data Scientists (dotted line). Oracle Analytics Cloud is used by Developers, Reporting Analysts, and Business Users.