The image shows an OCI Region, Oracle Interconnect for Azure and a Microsoft Azure Region.

The OCI Region consists of Oracle Cloud ERP, Oracle Integration, and an Availability Domain.

Oracle Integration contains an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter which receives the Oracle Cloud ERP business events, an OCI Streaming Adapter, and an Azure SQL DB Adapter.

The Availability Domain contains a VCN with two Private Subnets. The first Private Subnet has an OCI Connectivity Agent publishing Oracle Cloud ERP business events to Private Stream Kafka Topics to OCI Streaming in the second Private Subnet. The business events from Private Stream Kafka Topics in OCI Streaming are consumed by the Connectivity Agent.

The Connectivity Agent is connected to the OCI Streaming Adapter and Azure SQL DB Adapter in Oracle Integration via a Service Gateway.

Oracle Interconnect for Azure contains a Private Tunnel with FastConnect and ExpressRoute. FastConnect is connected to Oracle Integration Connectivity Agent via a Dynamic Routing Gateway. ExpressRoute is connected to the Azure VNet via a Virtual Network Gateway.

The Microsoft Azure Region consists of a Private Subnet inside a VNet and an Azure SQL DB.

The Private Subnet has a Private Endpoint Connection connecting to the Azure SQL DB.