The image shows an on-premises VPN sending and receiving data to an OCI tenancy, containing an OCI region and an OCI region for disaster recovery. The disaster recovery region is active/standby. These are connected via remote peering.

The VPN connects to an application server in subnet A (application server) of the primary OCI region. The application server uses the shared file system via NFS service using the floating IP of the Rclone server in subnet B (resources).

Both cluster nodes use Rclone to connect to Object Storage, which sends data to Object Storage, which has a copy of the data sent to the disaster recovery region.

In case of disaster, the local VPN connects to the disaster recovery region via the DRG. The restore process is started in the disaster recovery region using a Flex VM in subnet C (application server); being able to start, in parallel, other servers such as Flex VMs and block storage. After the restore process, the Flex VM (App Server) gets data from Rclone in subnet D (resources), which it gets from Object Storage.