This image shows the traffic flow for a blue-green deployment strategy. It is as follows:
  1. Developers commit code to the OCI code repository, which passes it into the build pipeline.
  2. Code goes through managed build stages and artifacts are delivered to the artifact repository and the container registry.
  3. Code is then passed on to the deployment pipeline, which it traverses as follows:
    1. First it goes through the blue-green Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) deployment or blue-green instance group deployment process, which submits it for validation and also passes it to the blue namespace server in OKE are the VM Pool in the Oracle Instance Pool.
    2. After deployment validation, code is referred to control approval.
    3. Once approved, code is passed to the blue-green traffic shift or the blue-green instance group traffic shift and then passed out of the deployment pipeline and on to OKE's NGINX controller or the Oracle instance pool's production load balancer.
  4. OKE's NGINX controller is also fed data from the OKE green and OKE blue namespace servers and passes this traffic to a production load balancer.
  5. Traffic forwarded to the Oracle instance pool from the OKE deployment or blue-green instance group deployment process to the blue VM pool is run through a test load balancer or directly to the Oracle instance pool's production load balancer. Traffic also comes from the green VM pool an out to the production load balancer.
All activity in this process is managed by the Oracle Service Network components:
  • Logging Service
  • Monitoring Service
  • Notification Service
  • OCI Functions