The image is a flow diagram which starts with a green circle labeled Start and has an arrow pointing to the first question in the flow: Is your source database a different character set than target? There are two arrows leading from the question, one labeled Yes and one labeled No. The Yes arrow leads to a rectangle labeled Use Oracle GoldenGate. The No arrow leads to the second question.

The second question in the flow reads, Do you require zero downtime? There are two arrows leading from the question, one labeled Yes and one labeled No. The Yes arrow leads to a rectangle labeled Use Oracle GoldenGate. The No arrow leads to the third question.

The third question in the flow reads, Do you require less than 5 minutes of downtime? There are two arrows leading from the question, one labeled Yes and one labeled No. The Yes arrow leads to a rectangle labeled Use Oracle Data Guard. The No arrow leads to the fourth question.

The fourth question in the flow reads, Is your source database size greater than 2 TB? There are two arrows leading from the question, one labeled Yes and one labeled No. The Yes arrow leads to a rectangle labeled Use Oracle Data Guard. The No arrow leads to the final answer in the flow.

The final answer in the flow reads, Use Recovery Manager / ibackup.