The image has 4 parts, which illustrate the 4 steps in the migration process.

The first part is labeled with a numeral 1 and a label “Prepare Cloud and Instantiate Cloud Standby”. Next to the label is shown an on-premises source database pointing to a DBCS target database and the label on the arrow reads “Instantiate Standby”.

The second part is labeled with a numeral 2 and a label “Enable TDE and Encrypt Standby (optional)”. Next to the label is shown an on-premises source database pointing to a DBCS target database with a lock on it, and the label on the arrow reads “Real-time Encrypted Redo”.

The third part is labeled with a numeral 3 and a label “Data Guard Switchover (5 mins downtime)”. Next to the label is shown an on-premises source database and a DBCS target database with one arrow pointing from On-premises to Cloud and another arrow pointing from Cloud to On-premises, and the label on the arrows reads “SWITCHOVER to CLOUD”.

The third part is labeled with a numeral 4 and a label “Fall Back with Zero Data Loss (Fallback in 5 mins)”. Next to the label is shown an on-premises source database and a DBCS target database with one arrow pointing from On-premises to Cloud and another arrow pointing from Cloud to On-premises, and the label on the arrows reads “SWITCHBACK to On-Prem”.