The image shows a screen capture of a Grafana dashboard titled Smart MFG Refractory. The dashboard has a tool bar on the left. The following four tables appear in the center pane, each table is for a one week time period (03/14 through 03/21 on the horizontal axis):
  • Gunning Analysis: The chart shows Gunning Material (kg), Gunning kg/ton produced, and Gunning Time (mins) for the week.
  • Terminator Cabinet: The chart shows the Hydraulic Oil Pressure (bar) and Lance Temperature for the week.
  • Main Cabinet - Water: The chart shows the Water Main Temperature (deg C) and the Water Main Pressure (bar) for the week.
  • Main Cabinet - Hydraulic: The chart shows the Hydraulic Oil Level (mm) and the Hydraulic Oil Temperature (deg C) for the week.