The image shows a screen capture of an Oracle Analytics Cloud dashboard for Dataset Post Lining Replacement for refractory. The dashboard has tabs at the bottom of the page: Refractory, Refractory - 1, Refractory - 2, and ML Prediction. Refractory is selected. The following tables appear:
  • Refractory Costs / Ton Steel: The chart shows Relining Costs / Ton Steel, Total Repair Costs / Ton Steel, and Total Costs / Ton Steel. The chart is costs over the # Steel batches (Heats). A point at 1240 Steel Batches is expanded in the chart and shows the Relining Costs / Ton Steel is 16.57 at Heat 1240.
  • Thickness before and after Gunning (mm): The chart shows the thickness Pre-Maintenance (mm), Critical Thickness (mm), and Thickness after Gunning (mm). The chart is thickness over the # Steel batches (Heats).
  • Refractory Consumption: The chart shows Estimated Tons Gunning Material / Maintenance Cycle and Cost of Gunning Material. The chart is the Cost of Gunning Material (kg) over the # Steel batches (Heats).