Register and Activate the E-Business Suite Asserter in OCI IAM

To establish communication with OCI IAM, the E-Business Suite Asserter uses the client ID and the client secret of an OCI IAM registered application.

  1. In the OCI IAM console, expand the menu and then click Identity & Security.
  2. Click Domains, and then select the domain used to create users as described in the previous sections.
  3. Click Applications and then click Add Application.
  4. In the Add Application dialog box, click Confidential Application, and then click Launch Workflow.
  5. In the Add Application details pane, enter the following information, and then click Next.
    • Name: EBS Asserter
    • Description: E-Business Suite Asserter Application
    • Application URL:
    • Display in My Apps: Select this check box
  6. In the Configure OAuth pane, in the Client Configuration area, select Configure this application as a client now, and then enter or select the following values:
    • Allowed Grant Types: Client Credentials and Authorization Code
    • Redirect URL:
    • Logout URL:
    • Post Logout Redirect URL:
  7. Scroll down and select the Add App Role check box, and then click Add Roles.
  8. In the Add App Role dialog box, select Authenticator Client and Me from the list, and then click Add.
  9. Click Next till you reach the last pane and then click Finish.
  10. In the Application Added dialog box, make a note of the Client ID and Client Secret values, and then click Close. E-Business Suite Asserter needs these values to integrate with OCI IAM.
  11. Click Activate.
  12. In the Activate Application dialog box, click Activate Application.