Download Code

The Terraform code and example use cases for this solution are available on GitHub.You can pull the code into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager with a single click, create the stack, and deploy it. Alternatively, you can download the code from GitHub to your computer, customize the code, and deploy the architecture by using the Terraform CLI.

You must have Administrator privileges to execute the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager stack or Terraform scripts.

Ensure that your tenancy meets the service limits for the Group, Dynamic Group, Policies (compartment), and Vault Master Key components, as described in the README document.

  • Deploy using the sample stack in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager:
    1. Click Deploy to Oracle Cloud
    2. Clone the repository to your local computer.
    3. Review and follow the instructions in the Using Oracle Resource Manager (ORM) section of the README document.
  • Deploy using the Terraform code in GitHub:
    1. Go to GitHub.
    2. Clone the repository to your local computer.
    3. Follow the instructions in the Using Terraform section of the README document.
  • Example Notebooks in OCI Data Science Service are available in GitHub.
    • Go to GitHub.

      The main folder includes a README with descriptions of the Machine Learning applications for healthcare and links to the healthcare use case demo folders.

    • Select a folder for an example healthcare use case demo.
    • Follow the instructions in the related README document.