Plan the Resources for the DR Environment

Plan the resources for the secondary system on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure based on your existing on-premises installation.

Gather Details About the On-premises Environment

Gather details about the primary on-premises system that are needed to create the secondary system on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

The following is the example on-premises architecture:

Description of wls-prem-primary-architecture.png follows
Description of the illustration wls-prem-primary-architecture.png

The following table outlines the basic on-premises information that must be gathered and the example values that are used in this document.

Tier Component Primary (Example Values)
Front-end Front-end Name
Front-end Front-end IP (LBR)
Front-end Front-end ports
  • 80 (HTTP, that redirects all 443 HTTPS)
  • 443 (HTTPS)
  • 7001 (Admin Console HTTP)

Web hosts

IP / physical hostname / alias

  • / /
  • / /
Web-tier Oracle HTTP Server ports
  • 7001 (HTTP access to WLS consoles)
  • 8890 (HTTP access to WebLogic Server applications)

WebLogic Server hosts

IP / physical hostname / alias

  • / /
  • / /

Administration Server

VIP / VIP hostname / alias / /
Mid-tier FMW Components and ports
  • Admin Server, port 7001
  • WLS Cluster 1 Servers, port 8001
  • WLS Cluster 2 Servers, port 9001
  • Node Manager, port 5556
  • Coherence, port 9991
Mid-tier WebLogic Server hosts Operating System Oracle Linux 7.7
Mid-tier WebLogic Server hosts CPU 4 Intel Xeon 2.90GHz
Mid-tier Memory 35 GB
Mid-tier Oracle software user/group oracle/oinstall
DB-tier Physical host names
  • /
  • /
DB-tier VIPs
  • /
  • /
DB-tier Scan IPs / address /
DB-tier CPU 8 Intel Xeon
DB-tier Memory 130 GB
DB-tier PDB service name
DB-tier DB hosts OS Oracle Linux 7.7
DB-tier RDBMS version 19.11
Storage* NFS volumes, mounts and size

NFS: /export/wls/products1 to /u01/oracle/products mounted in APPHOST1

NFS: /export/wls/products2 to /u01/oracle/products mounted in APPHOST2

NFS: /export/wls/config to /u01/oracle/config mounted in APPHOST1 and APPHOST2

NFS: /export/wls/runtime to /u01/oracle/runtime in APPHOST1 and APPHOST2

LOCAL**: /u02/oracle/config to /u02/oracle/config in APPHOST1

LOCAL**: /u02/oracle/config to /u02/oracle/config in APPHOST2

(**) These can be private mounts in NFS instead of a node’s local storage

Main EDG Folders* ORACLE_HOME /u01/oracle/products/fmw
Main EDG Folders* JAVA_HOME /u01/oracle/products/jdk
Main EDG Folders* SHARED_CONFIG_DIR /u01/oracle/config
Main EDG Folders* APPLICATION_HOME /u01/oracle/config/applications/mydomain
Main EDG Folders* DEPLOY_PLAN_HOME /u01/oracle/config/dp
Main EDG Folders* KEYSTORE_HOME /u01/oracle/config/keystores
Main EDG Folders* ASERVER_HOME /u01/oracle/config/domains/mydomain
Main EDG Folders* PRIVATE_CONFIG_DIR /u02/oracle/config
Main EDG Folders* MSERVER_HOME /u02/oracle/config/domains/mydomain
Main EDG Folders* NM_HOME /u02/oracle/config/nodemanager
Main EDG Folders* ORACLE_RUNTIME /u01/oracle/runtime
Folders in Oracle HTTP Server ORACLE_HOME /u02/oracle/products/ohs_12214
Folders in Oracle HTTP Server WEB_DOMAIN_HOME /u02/oracle/config/domains/ohsdomain_12214
Main URLs Admin Console URL
Main URLs

Application 1 URL

Main URLs

Application 2 URL

* See the standard Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for context on mounts and directories.

Determine the Resources Needed on OCI

Plan and list the resources that you need for the standby environment that you'll create in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The secondary environment must be as similar as possible to the existing on-premises environment.

There's no need to provision anything at this point, just identify and list the resources that you'll create on OCI, and verify that your OCI tenancy has the required quotas for them.

Based on the previous example of a primary system as a reference, the following is the example standby architecture:Description of wls-oci-standby-architecture.png follows
Description of the illustration wls-oci-standby-architecture.png

Following this example, these OCI resources are needed:

  • General resources
    • You must use an OCI region.
    • You must use a specific compartment.
  • Network resources
    • VCN: One VCN is required in the OCI region where the secondary system is going to be setup.
    • Subnets: for a maximum isolation and traffic control between the different tiers you can create a subnet for each one. That would result in the following subnets:
      • One regional subnet for web-tier (for example, webTierSubnet).
      • One regional subnet for mid-tier (for example, midTierSubnet).
      • One regional subnet for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage (for example, fssTierSubnet).
      • One regional subnet for db-tier (for example, dbTierSubnet).

      You can use fewer subnets, but the previous list provides the maximum network isolation and access control and is used as the reference in this document.

      The subnets will normally be private subnets, given that there is OCI private connectivity between customer data center and the OCI region. However, the subnet for the web-tier, where the front-end Load Balancer is located, may be public according to your requirements.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing

    One OCI Load Balancer provides high availability (HA) out-of-the-box.

  • Compute Instance Resources
    • (Optional) N compute instances based on Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI images for the Oracle HTTP Server host nodes in the web-tier subnet, where N is the number of web-tier hosts that you have in the existing on-premises primary system.
    • N compute instances based on Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI images for the WebLogic Server host nodes in the mid-tier subnet, where N is the number of mid-tier hosts that you have in the existing on-premises primary system.

    To find supported OS and shapes, see Shapes for Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI Images.

    If the OCI region has more than one Availability Domain (AD), then locate them in different ADs. The compute instances must use the image and shape that are closest to those used by the on-premises hosts.

  • File Storage on OCI


    When planning the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage and Block Volume resources, you must be consistent with the existing file system configuration of your primary on-premises. You may use slight variations from the EDG-based folder structure that this document uses as a reference. For example, if your primary on-premises does not use a separated shared Oracle WebLogic Server configuration for the Administration Server domain configuration (ASERVER_HOME), you do not need to plan it as a required Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file system. Or, if your primary on-premises uses NFS volumes mounted privately to store the WebLogic private configuration, then plan to provision Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file systems for them. Use the values provided as reference examples.
    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage mount targets

      You need at least one mount target in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage subnet. For performance reasons, it is recommended to place the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage mounts in the same Availability Domain as the hosts that will mount them (the mid-tier compute instances). Place the mount target in the same Availability Domain than the mid-tier compute instances.

      If your OCI region has more than one Availability Domain and you distributed the mid-tier hosts between two ADs, then create one mount target in each of the used Availability Domains. For example:

      • One mount target in AD1. This will be used to export these file systems: file system for shared configuration, file system for shared runtime, and file system for the products used by the mid-tier host in the AD1. This can be used also to export any other file system used privately by the mid-tier nodes in AD1 (for example, local configuration when it is in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage).
      • One mount target in AD2. This is used to export the file system for the products used by the mid-tier host in the AD2. You can also use this to export any other file system used privately by the mid-tier nodes in AD2 (for example, local configuration when it is in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage).
    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file systems

      The following is an example of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file systems you may need:

      • One Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file system (for example, wlsdrconfig) for the shared WebLogic Server configuration. It will be mounted by APPHOST1 and APPHOST2.
      • One Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file system (for example, wlsdrruntime) for the shared WebLogic Server runtime. It will be mounted by APPHOST1 and APPHOST2.
      • One Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file system (for example, wlsdrproducts1) for products home of APPHOST1. It will be mounted by APPHOST1 (and by APPHOST3, 5 if there are more than two mid-tier hosts).
      • One Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file system (for example, wlsdrproducts2) for products home of APPHOST2. It will be mounted by APPHOST2 (and by APPHOST4, 6 if there are more than two mid-tier hosts).

    The following image is an example of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage mount targets and file systems when you use only one Availability Domain:

    Description of oci-storage-targets-one-ad.png follows
    Description of the illustration oci-storage-targets-one-ad.png

    If your OCI region has more than 1 AD and you have distributed the mid-tier compute instances between 2 ADs, then export the file systems that are shared between hosts (wlsdrconfig, wlsdrruntime) in a mount target located in the AD where the Administration server will normally run, and export the others (wlsdrproducts1 and wlsdrproducts2) in a mount target located in the AD where the host that is going to mount it is located (wlsproducts1 in the mount target of the AD where APPHOST1 is, wlsdrproducts2 in the mount target of the AD where APPHOST2 is located).

    The following image is an example of the OCI mount targets and OCI File systems when you use 2 Availability domains:

    Description of oci-storage-targets-two-ad.png follows
    Description of the illustration oci-storage-targets-two-ad.png

    In this scenario, some mid-tier hosts are in the same Availability Domain than the shared Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file systems. Other mid-tier hosts are in a different Availability Domain. The mid-tier hosts that are collocated with the shared Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage file systems have better performance accessing to the shared file system than the other mid-tier host located in a different availability domain.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Block Volumes

    For the storage that is used privately by each host, (the WebLogic local configuration such as node manager configuration and MSERVER_HOME), you must provision at least 1 Block Volume per each mid-tier host. Provision each Block Volume in the same AD of the host that will mount it.

  • OCI DB System

    You will need a DB System with a similar capacity as the existing DB Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) in primary on-premises. The DB system must use the compute shape that is closest to the one used by the on-premises hosts. In addition, the RDBMS version and patch level must match the one present in the on-premises Oracle RAC database. If the exact patch level is not available for DB Systems, you will have to choose the closest version and perform the required patching to get both primary and secondary to the exact RDBMS patch level. More details about this are discussed in the Setup section.

The following summarizes the resources that are created with example resource names:

Category Type of Resource OCI Resource (Example Values)
General resources OCI Region Phoenix
General resources Compartment HyDRCompmt
General resources Availability domain (AD) AD1 (or AD1 and AD2 if the region has more than one AD).
Network Resources VCN hydrvcn
Network Resources Subnet





Network Resources OCI Load Balancer hylbr
(Optional) Compute Instances for Oracle HTTP Server Number of compute instances The same number as the primary Oracle HTTP Server hosts. For example, hydrohs1 and hydrohs2.
(Optional) Compute Instances for Oracle HTTP Server Operating System Most similar to primary Oracle HTTP Server hosts. For example, Oracle Linux 7.9.
(Optional) Compute Instances for Oracle HTTP Server Shape Most similar to the primary WebLogic hosts. For example, Intel VM.Standard3.Flex.
Compute Instances for Oracle WebLogic Server Number of compute instances The same number as the primary WebLogic hosts. For example, hydrwls1 and hydrwls2.
Compute Instances for Oracle WebLogic Server Operating System Most similar to primary WebLogic Server hosts. For example, Oracle Linux 7.9.
Compute Instances for Oracle WebLogic Server Shape Most similar to the primary WebLogic Server hosts. For example, VM.Standard2.2.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage Mount Target 1 (or 2 if using 2 availability domains).
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage File Systems





OCI Block Volumes Block volumes



DB System Total node count Same as the primary. For example, 2.
DB System Shape Most similar to primary DB hosts. For example, VM Standard2.8.
DB System Storage Most similar to primary DB. For example, 1024 GB.
DB System RDBMS version Most similar to primary DB. For example, 19.11.
DB System Database Name The same as the primary. For example, ORCL.
DB System PDB Name The same as the primary database. For example, PDB1.