Use a Wizard to Create a Virtual Cloud Network

You can use a predefined workflow to quickly create a virtual cloud network (VCN) with internet connectivity.

The wizard creates a virtual cloud network contains with the following elements:

  • An internet gateway, a NAT gateway, and a service gateway for the VCN

  • A regional public subnet with routing to the internet gateway

    Instances in a public subnet may optionally have public IP addresses.

  • A regional private subnet with routing to the NAT gateway and service gateway (and therefore the Oracle Services Network)

    Instances in a private subnet cannot have public IP addresses.

  • Basic security list rules for the two subnets, including SSH access

To use the wizard to create a virtual cloud network:

  1. In the Console, click the Oracle Cloud icon at the top of the page to go to the Console home page.
  2. Click the quick action for Networking: Set up a network with a wizard.
  3. Select VCN with Internet Connectivity, and then click Start Workflow.
  4. Specify a friendly name for the VCN. It doesn't have to be unique, however it can't be changed later in the Console (but you can change it with the API). Avoid entering confidential information.
  5. Use the default Compartment or select a different compartment.
  6. Use the default CIDR blocks listed for the VCN and subnets, or specify a different range.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Review the information and click Previous to make changes or click Create to create the VCN.