ACSLS Startup Policy

This file alters the normal startup parameters that apply when starting ACSLS. Changing the default startup values is not recommended without careful analysis and consultation with Oracle ACSLS Software Support.

Additional Startup Time

This parameter applies to the SMF startup timeout for the acsls service on Solaris. The acsls startup timeout is calculated automatically by the current library configuration. A longer timeout is given to libraries that have more LSMs, more drives and more CAPs. This timeout will adjust automatically as the library configuration changes. you can view the calculated value by asserting the command:
acsss timeout

If the automatic calculated timeout is not sufficient, the SMF facility may intervene to restart the acsls service before sufficient time had elapsed to allow the previous startup sequence to finish.

Granting more time to the startup sequence can prevent such SMF intervention, but not without compromises. Adding too much time can mask troublesome aspects of the configuration that may require attention. Extending the normal timeout period delays SMFs' ability to alert an operator of any serious or irrecoverable startup problems.

To grant additional minutes for the acsls start sequence to complete, place integer value after the '=' in the following line:

additional_startup_time=0 # Minutes

Desired (offline) Startup State for an ACS

When ACSLS comes up, it will bring all of the library resources to the last established desired state. If the desired state is online, the process of bringing the ACS online involves a recovery period in which the physical library resources of the given ACS are checked and verified against the database image of the configuration. This process transpires within a span from less than a minute to several minutes, depending on the size of the library configuration and on the existence of any unusual circumstances.

You can bypass this recovery time for any ACS by placing the desired state of that ACS and its associated ports offline. While such action speeds the online status of the acsls SMF service, subsequent manual action is necessary to vary the actual ACS and its port(s) online.

To set the desired startup state of an ACS and its ports to offline, remove the comment character (#) from the beginning of the appropriate line in the acsls_startup_policy file in the $ACS_HOME/data/external/ directory.

For example, change:

# ACS0_desired_startup_state_is_offline

