ACSLS Support

ACSLS provides support for the following SL3000 features:

  • New LSM and panel types, and panel maps for the SL3000 Library

  • Up to eight (8) partitions.

    The SL3000 can partition down to the drive and cell level. If cells are reassigned from one partition to a different partition, cartridges in those cells will be orphaned, and they will no longer be accessible by the partition that they were in before. To avoid this, before re-partitioning an SL3000, move cartridges to cells that will remain in your partition.

  • New maximum numbers of CAPs (12), drives per panel (32), and cell rows (52) for the SL3000.

  • Ability to dedicate a CAP to a partition within the SL3000.

    CAPS are dedicated to a partition using the SL Console. The library reports dedicated CAPs to ACSLS.

    CAPs dedicated to a partition managed by ACSLS can be set to automatic mode.

  • SL3000 CAP Aliasing

    The SL3000 can have up to 12 CAPs, but some backup applications currently only support a maximum of 3 CAPs per LSM. CAP aliasing lets you alias CAPs 3-10 as CAPs 0, 1, or 2.

    With PUT0801, you are no longer able to alias CAP 0. CAP 0 is reserved for the Access Expansion Module (AEM) and has special characteristics. Because of this, only CAP numbers 1 and 2 can be used as aliases.

  • ACSLS 7.3 with PUT0801 supports AEMs for bulk enters and ejects.