Backing up to a Specified Tape Device Attached to the ACSLS Server

To backup the ACSLS database to a specified tape device attached to the ACSLS server, do the following:

  1. Log in as acsss.
  2. Insert a blank tape into the tape device.
  3. From a terminal window, enter the following command:
    bdb.acsss -f tape_device

    Where tape_device specifies a tape device attached to the ACSLS server.

  4. Messages reporting the progress of the backup appear.

    Wait for the following message to appear:

    Check tape device (/dev/rmt/0mn) to make sure you have a tape in the tape drive.

    [Hit RETURN to continue or Ctrl-C to exit]

    Press RETURN.

  5. Wait for the following message to appear:

    ACSLS database backup successfully completed.

    Example: To backup the ACSLS database to tape device /dev/rmt/0mn, enter the following command:

    bdb.acsss -f /dev/rmt/0mn