Creating a Logging Volume Statistics Report

You can use the Volume Statistics Log file (acsss_stats.log) to log volume movement statistics. These statistics consist of entries for each time ACSLS detects that a volumes' location changed. ACSLS logs entries for enters, ejects, mounts, dismounts, and for each time an audit detects that a volumes' location has changed (typically, by being manually moved).

Use the acsss_config configuration program to perform the following:

  • Enable or disable volume statistics logging using the LIB_VOL_STATS variable.

  • Specify the maximum size of the Volume Statistics Log file.

  • Specify the number of rollover files for the Volume Statistics Log file.

The stats_report utility uses the acsss_stats.log to report all mounts and tape drive usage.

The Volume Statistics Log file contains collection mode entries that tell if volume statistics logging is enabled or disabled and volume statistics entries.

Example of Volume Statistics Log file entries:

2014-06-30 08:53:00 CONFIG
Library volume statistics on.

2014-06-30 09:23:08 EJECT
U01120 Home 0,0,1,3,5 Cap 1,0,0 Client Host Id

2014-06-30 10:36:05 ENTER
PB0444 Home 0,0,4,3,5 Cap 0,0,0 Client Host Id

2014-06-30 10:42:48 MOUNT
PB0478 Home 0,0,1,35,1 Drive 0,0,1,0 Client Host Id Local

2014-06-30 10:43:19 DISMOUNT
PB0478 Home 0,0,1,35,1 Drive 0,0,1,0 Client Host Id Local

2014-06-30 10:43:19 AUDIT 
RB0478 0,0,1,35,1  STATUS_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND Client Host Id JBHUTTO

2014-06-30  10:43:19  AUDIT
PB0444  0,0,1,32,1 STATUS_VOLUME_FOUND Client Host Id JBHUTTO

2014-06-30 10:45:00 CONFIG
Library volume statistics off.

2015-01-16 09:51:07 ACSCR
0A1235 Home 0,0,5,14,14 STATUS_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND Client Host Id Local

2015-01-16 09:40:13 ACSCR
0A123A Home 0,0,5,14,15 STATUS_VOLUME_FOUND Client Host Id Local

In the above example, the collection mode entries show that statistics collection started at 8:53 a.m on June 30, 2014 and ended at 10:45 a.m. the same day. These collection start and stop times bracket the volume statistics entries for this collection period.

The format of the volume statistics entries, is:

  • yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss command

    vol_id home_loc function_loc client_host_ID


  • yyyy-mm-dd is the year, month, and day of the entry. Four-digit year formats are supported. You specify the date format using acsss_config.

  • hh:mm:ss is the hour, minute, and second of the entry.

  • command is the ACSLS command or client request that either moved the volume or (for audits) detected that the volume was moved.

    • MOUNT is the mount request.

    • DISMOUNT is the dismount request.

    • ENTER is the manual or automatic mode enter request.

    • EJECT is the eject request.

    • AUDIT is the audit request.

    • ACSMV is the move request.

    • ACSCR is the Volume Recovery activity. This activity is generated automatically by ACSLS processing.

  • vol_id is the volume identifier.

  • home_loc is the volumes' home (storage cell) location.

  • function_loc is the volumes' location for the requests that used the volume as follows:

    • mount or dismount requests

      location is a transport ID.

    • enter or eject requests

      location is a CAP ID.

  • audit requests specifies that an audit detected one of the following errors:


      The audit found a volume in a location that did not match the location specified in the database.


      The audit did not find a volume in the location specified in the database.

    • Volume Recovery activity

      Location may be a cell ID or a transport ID, indicating that Volume Recovery detected one of the following situations:


        A volume was found which was not recorded in the database, and is being added.


        A volume in the database was not found in any recorded location, and is being deleted.

  • client_host_ID is one of the following;

    • For client application requests it is the host IP address.

    • For cmd_proc commands, if the environment variable LIBVOLSTATS_CMD_PROC_ID is set (ASCII characters only) in the environment of the shell that started the cmd_proc, the entry is the first 12 characters of the value of the environment variable.

    • For cmd_proc commands, if the environment variable LIBVOLSTATS_CMD_PROC_ID is not set or contains non-ASCII characters, the entry is Local.