Entering Cartridges

You can choose to enter cartridges manually or automatically.

  • To enter cartridges manually, you must issue the enter command.This unlocks the CAP so cartridges can be entered.

  • An automatic enter is initiated by opening a CAP that is in automatic mode. When a CAP is in automatic mode, you need not issue an enter command.

The following steps describe the enter process:

  1. Once you start the enter, the CAP is unlocked and reserved. It cannot be used by another host.
  2. After you open the CAP, place the cartridges into the CAP and close the CAP. The CAP is now locked.

    The ACSLS library robot inspects/audits the cartridges in the CAP. All cartridges being entered must have valid external labels that do not duplicate other vol_ids already managed by this ACSLS server.


    Virtual enter allows you to enter unlabeled cartridges into some libraries.
  3. ACSLS allocates home cells in the library to valid cartridges and moves them to their assigned home cell locations.

    Duplicate cartridges and cartridges without external labels are left in the CAP and must be removed.

  4. Upon completion, the CAP is unlocked so more cartridges can be entered.
    • If the CAP is in automatic mode, the automatic enter is complete and the CAP is unreserved and available.

    • If this is a manual enter, the CAP is still reserved for the manual enter. To terminate the manual enter, cancel it with either the cancel command or with Ctrl + c at cmd_proc where the enter was started.

For additional information on the enter command, see "enter".


If cartridge tracing is enabled, the event log records all cartridge enters.

Table 8-5 Cartridge Enter Commands

Task Command

Entering Cartridges in Automatic Mode

set cap mode automatic cap_id

Entering Cartridges in Manual Mode

enter cap_id

Entering Cartridges with Virtual Labels (venter)

venter cap_id vol_id vol_id

Do not open the LSM door and place cartridges with missing or unreadable labels in a storage cell because ACSLS cannot manage these cartridges. During an audit, ACSLS will eject cartridges with missing or unreadable labels that were placed in storage cells.

Terminating an Enter Request

Use these procedures to terminate or cancel a current or pending manual enter or virtual enter.

You cannot cancel an automatic enter operation that is in progress using the cancel command. To terminate an automatic enter in progress:

  • If the CAP door is open, remove all of the cartridges and close the door

  • If the CAP door is closed and the cartridges are being moved into the library, you must allow the remaining cartridges to be entered into the library. The enter then terminates.

To cancel a manual enter:

  1. Display all current and pending library activity:
    query request all
  2. Note the request_id of the enter/venter request you want to cancel.
  3. From the cmd_proc, enter:
    cancel request_id

    Where request_id is the identifier of the request you want to cancel.

  4. Wait for the CAP to unlock, open the CAP, and remove all cartridges.

    cmd_proc displays a message indicating the number of cartridges entered into the library before the cancel request was received. These cartridges will remain under ACSLS control.

See enter.